Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] ['s] " in BNC.

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31 Sister , Robins , and Dr Jones came out of the latter 's office .
32 In view of the latter 's steady , incredulous gaze , I could not blame him .
33 Although the USSR supplies the US with 33 per cent of the latter 's titanium , supply scarcities and limitations in manufacturing capability dictated producing the Mach 2.8 Mig-25 out of conventional steels ( although a titanium version was successfully flown and tested ) .
34 Mercury Communications Ltd has announced that for a monthly subscription of £135 , any customer , whether a subscriber to British Telecommunications Plc or Mercury , can now use two of the latter 's range of Callink services .
35 In the current Middle Eastern situation it 's as well to be reminded , for example , that of the world 's 10 largest companies , seven are car or oil companies , and that one-third of the latter 's output is in the form of petrol .
36 It is no accident that the most gripping section of his latest novel , The Innocent ( Cape , hbk £12.95 ) , is the part where his hero and heroine dismember the corpse of the latter 's ex-husband .
37 During the troubles of 1173–4 the inhabitants of the citadel seized the opportunity to turn their enclosure into a proper circuit of walls , a move which was probably aimed against the city rather than against ducal authority , though clearly it was taking advantage of the latter 's temporary weakness .
38 In turning the tables on Einstein he used another of the latter 's ideas .
39 The establishment of internal controls is the responsibility of management , not of internal audit , but as a service to management it is part of the latter 's role to review , appraise and report on the soundness and adequacy of these controls .
40 Indeed , the concept of judicial independence is deemed to entail not merely the freedom of judges from responsibility to the political executive , but their active duty to protect the citizen against the political executive or its agents , and to act , in the state 's encounter with members of society , as the defenders of the latter 's rights and liberties …
41 If Bede is to be believed , Oswine proved an attractive ruler who gained the admiration of Aidan , which suggests that Oswiu faced a dangerous rival in this Deiran king whom he eventually out-manoeuvred and slew by treachery the ninth year of the latter 's reign ( HE 111 , 14 ) .
42 As a member of Walpole 's ‘ Committee of Taste ’ he played a leading role in the creation of the latter 's celebrated Gothic villa of Strawberry Hill .
43 He was an active member of the monthly , quarterly , and yearly meetings of the Society of Friends , of its committee for sufferings , and of the latter 's subcommittee for American affairs .
44 He then resumed work with his father and was partly responsible for the design of the latter 's most notable building , the Grosvenor Hotel at Victoria Station , London ( completed 1862 ) in a rich amalgam of current Victorian styles .
45 Scrope relied almost exclusively on George Villiers , first Duke of Buckingham [ q.v. ] , but consequently had to adapt himself to the tergiversations of the latter 's policies .
46 A different illustration is provided by the collaboration in 1983–84 between the ILEA and the London Institute of Education , in which one of the former 's advisory teachers acted as placement tutor for six students from the emotional/behavioural difficulties option of the latter 's Diploma Course .
47 The tutor is able to monitor each student 's progress by the termly receipt of a copy of the latter 's programme , and the tutor also receives copies of any letters sent to his/her students from the registry , for example after examinations committee meetings .
48 In a letter of 1867 to a friend on the death of the latter 's brother he writes : " You have experienced at first hand … why our Schopenhauer exalts suffering and sorrow as a glorious fate , as the deuteros pious [ second way ] to the negation of the will … ,
49 Since his first meeting with Wagner in 1868 he had known of the latter 's conviction that Schopenhauer was " the only philosopher who had understood the essence of music " .
50 He can not sue the manufacturer for breach of the latter 's contract of sale .
51 The poisonous philosophies of both Santos and Porua were banished by the sight of the latter 's daughter in her grey dress , red book in hand .
52 The reason has to do with the track width on the 1.2MB drive being narrower than on a 360K disk , and the failure of the latter 's drive heads to read from such a narrow track .
53 The extraordinary stop-start conversation between Victor and his monster had convinced me of the latter 's supreme dangerousness : given its malevolence , its lying and eloquent tongue was probably as big a threat as its turn of speed .
54 The Alliance for Germany , backed by the West German federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl , advocated rapid monetary union , followed shortly afterwards by political reunification with the accession of the German Democratic Republic ( East Germany ) to the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) under Article 23 of the latter 's Basic Law [ see p. 37259 ] .
55 On Dec. 7 Hu Jintao replaced Wu Jinghua as regional secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , apparently because of the latter 's failure to dampen the persistent Tibetan nationalist unrest .
56 On May 8 , the day of the latter 's appearance before the House , Bush described the allegations against himself as " grossly untrue , factually incorrect , bald-faced lies " .
57 Meanwhile in Turkey itself Turkish troops on Oct. 3-4 devastated the small Kurdish towns of Kulp ( Diyarbakir province ) and Curkurca , causing half of the latter 's population of 8,000 to flee [ see p. 39114 ] , and from Oct. 5 onwards heavily bombarded PKK strongholds in the Mount Ararat region .
58 On Dec. 24 the Solicitor General , Donatilo — Ballesteros , ordered the dismissal and house arrest of the Attorney General , Rogelio Cruz , on suspicion of the latter 's involvement in authorizing the unfreezing of bank assets amounting to some US$38 million linked to Colombian drug cartels .
59 Two of the recent decisions highlight some of the problems facing employees seeking to correlate the benefit the employer has gained with the size and nature of the latter 's business .
60 In this type of use , to is intercepted at the final moment of the movement it denotes , so that the adjective or main verb evokes not only how the person designated as the support of the infinitive was predisposed towards the realization of the latter 's event , but also his feelings at the time of its occurrence .
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