Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Out of a crop of precocious back division talent to whom Scotland will looking in the not-too-distant future , Gregor Peter John Townsend , who will not be 19 until April 26 , presents an amalgam of skill , pace and learning capacity that mark him as one of specially exciting potential .
2 The main force of level bombers passed over to 6 8,000 feet virtually unchallenged , their bombs crashing down on Luqa where six Wellingtons were burnt out ( R1247 , 1381 , 1382 , 1383 , 1384 of 148 Squadron , plus the sole remaining aircraft of 70 Squadron detachment , T2816 ) and seven more badly damaged , as were several Marylands .
3 Following two days ' rest Venables and Renshaw set off for a final attempt taking a more direct line , avoiding sections of 70 degree snow and ice by passages of rock and mixed climbing .
4 Now , as you can see , that maps quite well with the sort of hierarchical feature extraction .
5 There 's a lot of technical work supervision in there .
6 They have lot of technical work supervision .
7 The Oregon combination of technical expert opinion and public participation was at first seized on with enthusiasm by many NHS managers as a means of legitimising rationing decisions .
8 OutlooK : Fear of technical bear trap grows
9 There is an unsightly splodge of yellow-tinted polyester lacquer on the side of the nut , spoiling the otherwise neat and appearance of this end of the guitar .
11 The remnant of surviving heath land is owned by the Nature Conservancy Council .
12 In an attempt to redress some of this balance , FlyPast has undertaken the compiling of what is believed to be the most comprehensive list of surviving World War Two Japanese aircraft yet published .
13 The ideology of Hitler and his cronies derived from a long history of pseudo-philosophical state thuggery .
14 Editor , — The Effective Health Care bulletin No 4 on the management of persistent glue ear in children has caused controversy .
15 The proportion of ‘ high risk ’ cases out of all proved cases of persistent child abuse will be small , and the task of identifying may not be easy .
16 Cases of child sexual abuse lacked objective evidence in the face of persistent adult denial .
17 Is not the history of capitalism full of the destruction of the peasantry , colonial robberies , the constant expropriation of small-scale production parallel with the most brutal methods …
18 Price Waterhouse 's Australian arm has pledged to ‘ vigorously defend ’ what could amount to a multi-million dollar claim issued against it over the 1989 audit of failed textile company Linter Group Ltd .
19 What we actually mean is a sort of mini manifesto introduction to the Green Party booklet sixteen pages or so .
20 Developmental regulation of ascarid energy metabolism — R Komuniecki and PR Komuniecki ; 5-Hydroxytrytamine glucose transport and intermediary metabolism of helminths — DF Mettrick ; The functions of the catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in parasitic nematodes — D Smarth ; Physiological significance and comparative biochemistry of complex II — H Oya and K Kita ; Oxygen and lower metazoa — C Bryant ; How do parasitic helminths use and survive oxygen and oxygen metabolites ? — RK Prichard ; The role of glycerol in the metabolism of hymenolepis diminute — S Kohlhagen ; Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in adult schistosomes — DP McManus ; Detoxification reactions in parasitic helminths — J Barrett ; Parasitic transport and inactivation functions involved in efficacy of antihelmintics — RC Rew ; The molecular biology of drug resistance in parasitic helminths — GC Coles ; The role of comparative biochemistry in parasites and its role in drug resistance — species differences in tubulin — E Lacey ; Systematic effects of helminth infection as revealed by serum LDH isozymes and kinetic parameters of transport of the host tissue — P Venkateswara et al ; Index .
21 Usually , one then treats one set of relations as problematic and.simply assumes the existence of the other , as if it were some sort of indeterminate background noise or , more contentiously , assigns truth to one and falsity to the other .
22 Yet somehow , against the pressure of these unavoidable and underlying tensions , Henry Ii had to find ways of preserving family unity , of upholding his system of government .
23 But there is also a common interest in the world of preserving fishing stock , not over fishing so that in fact you get the depletion of fishing stock , and therefore somehow you have to balance between your particular interests and the common interests .
24 Lord Minto commented to The Art Newspaper , ‘ Infinite years were spent trying to find potential ways of preserving Minto house , but there was next to no interest whatever .
25 Many people spend much of their lives indoors and tobacco smoke can make a significant , measurable contribution to the level of indoor air pollution [ 1 ] .
26 They have been identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as an important source of indoor air pollution , along with air fresheners and cleaning solvents .
27 Armchair enthusiasts can watch Yorkshire Television 's screening this afternoon of indoor speed croquet ( 1.10–2.05pm ) .
28 Haphazardly placed photographs of King George and Queen Elizabeth , cut from a magazine , had been hastily glued to the wall before the landlord came to lunch — to hide the marks of indoor revolver practice .
29 Sitting in the warm purply-blue dusk , watching an ethereal moon rise , trailing diaphanous veils of cloud , they ate a leisurely meal of iced cucumber soup , lasagne , dolcelatte , and tangy apricots .
30 The three brothers crept in on tiptoe to leave jugs of iced lemon juice by my bedside .
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