Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 If you want to go sailing , play volleyball or have a round of mini golf it wo n't cost you a penny and the kids can be left in the Pirates Club while you spend the afternoon doing things you want to do … but you may have a job persuading them to leave a few hours later .
2 Rachel 's face will fade into the kind of indeterminate image it is now , in the dark .
3 In establishing major new configurations of subjects , courses and areas of professional preparation it was caught between pressures to expand and to retract boundaries .
4 In the case of deaf people it relates to BSL .
5 In the case of extensive uplift it is possible that Carboniferous source sediments could be raised to sufficiently high structural levels for oxidation of the section to occur .
6 Even though this is the current preferred method of monetary control it is not without its difficulties .
7 But , whatever the case , in order to assess the effectiveness of regional policy it was necessary to examine it in relation to the context in which it was operating .
8 The developers hope the scheme will return Cowley to the kind of economic success it saw during its motoring heyday .
9 In times of economic difficulty it 's not only debt that causes problems .
10 After 25 years of economic growth it is anxious to show improvements in social well-being .
11 In addition , apparently unrelated and contradictory theories appear to coexist in economics , and given the nature of economic data it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish between such theories using classical statistical methods .
12 In addition it has snow ( I quote Arnie Wilson ) which at its floor level of 2,494 feet it has no right to expect .
13 However , because of political circumstances it was held in France , in Lille .
14 By Easter week it was clear to Richard that he was making no headway against a well-conducted defence and that in terms of political psychology it was risky to stake his reputation on one big success .
15 To understand the expression of political attitudes it is necessary to place them in their argumentative context .
16 While effective power may be a necessary condition of political legitimacy it is not a sufficient condition .
17 In debating it today the Labour Conference should focus not on its tactical advantages but on the kind of political system it wishes to see .
18 Even in those early days , before Nature had taken over to make the canal the gem of rural beauty it is today , it must have been a charming trip .
19 In view of the history of rural housing it was therefore somewhat ironic to find in 1976 that changes to the tied cottage legislation were opposed by the farmers ' lobby on the grounds that there were insufficient safeguards against local authorities refusing to meet their housing responsibilities !
20 For anyone in northern Europe to attain a proper understanding of Islamic science it was necessary to go abroad .
21 With a burst of terrific speed it headed out to sea .
22 Though 1660 marked the end of feudalism in its political aspect , in the sphere of private law it continued to cause many difficulties , which were not removed until 1925 .
23 In conclusion , as a matter of private law it is not clear to what extent Chinese walls prevent attribution of knowledge and provide protection to a firm against liability to a customer for breach of fiduciary duty .
24 The government service organisation questioned would not comment on the quality of the headhunting service it had received but , of eleven firms it cited , mentioned only one top international consultancy , Spencer Stuart .
25 The men collect it and know that of the children doing it , you would think that they 'd have noticed over the years , that at the end of each month it says , on the readers ' list it says children and I think that
26 If it passes on lower costs to its customers in the form of lower prices it may be open to the accusation of behaving in a predatory fashion .
27 Its percentage of the list votes was 46.7 , so that out of the region 's total of 74 seats it was entitled to 35 .
28 Though Labour joined with the Conservatives in May 1940 to fight the Second World War , under Churchill 's leadership , it is clear that despite the almost obsessive concern of the public about the threat of European fascism it was only the Labour Party , slow and cumbersome in its rate of change , which actually squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions if necessary .
29 For a generation of European Romantics it created the image of a nation sui generis , a natural force uncontaminated by Europe , an image consecrated by the greatest writer of nineteenth-century Spain , the novelist Galdós .
30 Detached objectivity in such matters is clearly very difficult but since it is quite evident that migrating birds and fish and even insects are often capable of solving the most intricate and unpredictable problems of solid geometry it hardly makes sense to argue that a purely mathematical rationality is an exclusively human characteristic .
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