Example sentences of "of [noun] but they " in BNC.

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1 These examples will not immediately take you to being chairperson of ICI but they will give you personally , as well as potential employers , a more positive image of you as a candidate in an interview .
2 Socio-cultural anthropologists do not need to be expert anatomists or geneticists or specialists in the biology of nutrition but they are likely to talk a lot of nonsense if they do not take account of what experts in such matters have been able to discover .
3 Sometimes finance committees exerted some degree of co-ordination but they were usually ill-equipped for the task , being primarily concerned with financial implications .
4 Teague 's career looked all over after the world cup final … but he 's beaten off a shoulder injury and is back at his best … so too is Oxfordshire jockey Richard Dunwoody he rode five winners on saturday … today he won again on the Nicholson trained Now Your Talkin … he 's the top jockey with 40 winners … now he 's talkin … the Williams team from Didcot do n't do a lot of talking apart from Nigel of course but they 've swept the board in formula one this season …
5 I ran away loads of times but they kept taking us back .
6 Their front wings give them the protection of camouflage but they can be pulled forward rapidly when the moths are attacked , to flash the startling false eyes .
7 They do not necessarily have a lot of money but they do expect good value and a broad service .
8 They do not have an awful lot of money but they want to act in the best interests of the child . ’
9 Young toddlers can thrive on a diet of milk but they need to drink large quantities and need vitamin and mineral supplements .
10 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
11 However , they do not give doctors legal justification for a particular course of action but they may give them greater moral authority ’ .
12 We had lots of books but they were all very boring .
13 The 1970 treaties with Russia and Poland included the mutual renunciation of force but they also marked an acceptance of the status quo in Europe ( including Germany 's division ) and of the Oder-Neisse border .
14 She could hear a faint murmur of voices but they seemed to issue , not from the guardchamber , but from the middle chamber — that below the one occupied by the princes .
15 Eggs are a good source of protein but they should be cooked without using fat .
16 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
17 Somewhere underneath the pebble lenses , tinged both grey and pink , the steel traps and the wires were , presumably , a pair of eyes but they were only , really , a flicker , in the depths of the optician 's pièce de résistance that towered above Ruthie 's nose .
18 Leeds sup– porters may have terrorised most of England but they were n't around in Copenhagen on the night the volcano erupted .
19 These qualities have always been present in the metaphors and similes of poetry but they have been less frequent in painting , which in the past was largely concerned with reproducing external reality , with decoration , or , as in the more advanced movements of recent years , with the composition of color and line into formal design .
20 The orderlies did n't do a lot of work but they did do a lot of talking , and their general cheerfulness had a lifting effect on the corridor as a whole .
21 Not only were dancing masters expected to follow their own rules of dance but they also had to conform to the rules of the Académie Royale de Musique .
22 Dissenters normally formed only a minority of townsmen but they were often an influential one .
23 They do this in the form of infidelities but they have very different consequences and conclusions , partly due to the differences in their characters and also their circumstances .
24 Not only have Down and Donegal shown the way over the past couple of years but they have helped to generate tremendous interest in gaelic football .
25 Questions 1 to 4 cover considerations necessary for any type of intervention but they are not arranged in a logical , systematic order .
26 One of Rose 's tall silent brothers went around the tables with a bottle of wine and a bottle of whiskey but they drank sparingly .
27 So they , they welcomed the idea of a separation of powers but they also insisted on another principle , probably the most important principle of American government , and that is the principle of federalism .
28 Children in the United Kingdom face different sorts of problems but they too are under threat .
29 Admittedly , they were of the royal house of Hapsburg but they were no less dead for that .
30 I have written to one or two retail outlets complaining about them selling these fish , also spoken to a couple of managers but they are still selling these fish .
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