Example sentences of "of [noun] within they " in BNC.

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1 His own success , with its accumulation of titles , meant that by 1987 the circulation share of the top three groups had slipped back — but the number of titles within them was greater than ever .
2 Prefaced by ground plans of the three principal floors , each chapter is devoted to one interior , reproducing drawings , watercolours and photographs of these rooms as they might have been , were and are , along with many illustrations of objects within them .
3 For what is now at stake is not the acceptance of the artificial boundaries imposed by the colonial powers , but the distribution of opportunity within them .
4 For example , we might release new strains of mosquitoes carrying genes that prevent the development of parasites within them , or genes that impart susceptibility to previously used efficient and economic insecticides .
5 Premack 's tests ( Premack 1976 ) to establish that chimpanzees make rudimentary connections between ‘ states of affairs ’ ( in order not to beg the more refined question of objectuality within them ) which to us appear closely connected by virtue of a cause and an effect , or by virtue of an implicit goal or problem and a means or stratagem , seem to the layman to support attributions to chimps of protean correlates of human categories of thought .
6 Through his arrangement of spaces , and his location of individuals within them , Bentham used the plan form of the Panopticon to facilitate the flow of information to supervisory staff , so placing them in a position , as Hume ( 1981 p 5 ) explained : " to detect and punish disobedience and to adapt their policies and decisions to changing circumstances and varying performances . "
7 Is not that a tribute to the quality of education within them ?
8 Accordingly , the research is examining not only the role of the Engineering Council and professional institutions , but also the relationships among these bodies , the problems of leadership within them , the motivation of the leadership and the role of other organisations within the engineering field .
9 Tony Bailey , when he was talking just now , talked in terms of schools perhaps having an element of democracy within them .
10 The size and complexity of advanced industrial societies , the diversity of interests within them , the need to administer vast enterprises engaged either in production or in the provision of transport , education , health services and so on , and international rivalries and conflicts , all point to a widening sphere of state activity in legislation , administration , the legal regulation of disputes among individuals and groups , and the promotion of what are seen as national interests .
11 Hence , as we can now see in melancholy retrospect , it was the great achievement of the communist regimes in multinational countries to limit the disastrous effects of nationalism within them .
12 The former is concerned with the government and status of the boroughs , and their relations with the Crown and the units of local government within which they existed , the latter with the structure of society within them and their changing economic fortunes .
13 At the same time , however , discussion tended to be dominated by certain sets of people ; by academics , by Americans , by mathematicians and scientists , by people with little experience of younger children or of the teachers who normally guide them , by scholars whose passionate concern for their own disciplines and the elegance of thought within them may have outweighed their concern for the school curriculum and the balanced development of school children .
14 In Florida , the Caribbean , Queensland , and South East Asia they may be extremely extensive , and are important not only for the huge variety of life within them crabs , spiders , molluscs — but also for the many creatures that visit them for food ( herons , egrets ) and which breed in the shelter they provide .
15 We will need , therefore , to define estate arrangements and the units of land within them .
16 During the inter-war period , the quasi-autonomous model of administration ( the quango ) was not yet geared to any effective imposition of a programme of this kind upon the universities , or the schools of English within them .
17 The role of unions , the place and powerlessness of women within them and the control of women by men needed explanation .
18 In a cordial team atmosphere , the work involves extracting information such as the biological source of sequences and regions of interest within them ( e.g. , coding regions , promoters ) from scientific reports .
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