Example sentences of "of [noun] to children " in BNC.

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1 It is even just that we should assign a greater degree of responsibility to children , for madmen , by virtue of their lack of free will , are completely without responsibility , while children , insofar as they possess reason in a partially developed form , can be held responsible ( i.e. can be required to take responsibility ) to a corresponding degree .
2 If we offer this kind of text to children , and if the gulf between the two languages is to be bridged , then we must not play down the magnitude of the learning task which children face .
3 4 Teachers as the main providers of response to children 's writing need to become better readers .
4 The least successful schools were those which implemented the minimum programme asked for by GIST : administration of questionnaires to children , allowing women visitors into the school and piloting , more or less reluctantly , teaching materials devised by the team .
5 ( 4 ) greater awareness of readability levels and general appropriateness of books to children 's needs , interests and independent use ;
6 These schools may be spared the risks of improper use , but schools can not tailor programmes of study to children throughout the range of ability if ability can not be assessed .
7 Yet every child care establishment I have worked in I have been of benefit to children , especially boys , who have had insufficient experience of a positive role model .
8 These , combined with a particular interest in curative education for children with mental and physical handicaps , he developed over the next eleven years in the course of attachments to children 's hospitals and homes in Austria , Switzerland , and Silesia ( in Germany at that time ) , and , by 1936 , in private practice in Vienna .
9 But if we want to adopt an approach to family life which is Christ-centred in its essence , we must ask how we are to glorify God in the relationship of parents to children and children to parents .
10 Despite such pressure , and despite the evidence of the dangers of lead to children and unborn babies , it was not until an EEC Directive of 1985 stated that member countries must make unleaded petrol widely available by October 1989 that CLEAR 's proposals were followed up .
11 Most German towns have , in the past , banned cycles from pedestrian areas on the grounds of danger to children and to frail and elderly walkers .
12 As one of their members , Hugh Dalton ( who was to be Chancellor of the Exchequer when family allowances were first paid in 1946 ) wrote in an article advocating family allowances : ‘ We would raid the luxuries of the rich to give a chance of life to children of the poor ’ ( New Leader 29 January 1926 ) .
13 However the emergence of anti-heroes like Billy Bunter , the demotion of romance to children 's literature , are obvious consequences of the Western world 's fifteen-hundred-year long climb down the ladder of literary modes .
14 Hundreds of accidents to children and thousands of deaths of animals are caused every year by thoughtlessly discarded waste .
15 MILITARY brass-hats proudly handed out scores of prizes to children — not noticing that the Union Jack printed on them was flying UPSIDE DOWN .
16 MPs have now completed work on the Bill drafted by Parents against Tobacco to prevent the sale of cigarettes to children .
17 The sale of cigarettes to children has been illegal since 1904 .
18 It comes after a national survey revealed one in four 15 year olds smokes regularly and that sales of cigarettes to children are estimated to be worth around £70m a year .
19 As well as pressing the government to support the proposed directive , it also supports the introduction of a model Tobacco Act , which will cover sales of tobacco to children , restrictions on smoking in public places , better education on the health risks of smoking , increased taxation levels and more provision of smoking cessation resources .
20 THE Government has to reform the ‘ draconian ’ legislation which can make newsagents innocent victims of the law which bans the sale of tobacco to children under 16 .
21 Each will expand to contribute to a wide variety of approaches to children and families , such as preventative work , rehabilitation , substitute care , and therapy .
22 The Regional Council approved a new item in the Capital Budget for 1992/93 and successive years specifically to promote a programme of works targeted at reducing the incidence of injuries to children whilst on journeys to and from school .
23 Teacher trainers have also been greatly encouraged by the obvious interest and commitment of students to children with special needs ; optional and elective courses on this subject have always been over-subscribed .
24 ‘ The Children 's Act means there has to be a certain ratio of adults to children at the play scheme so we do need people to help out .
25 Constance had supervised Camille 's introduction to the children of the neighbourhood , to her own nephews and nieces and those of approved families — some in which the parents were still encouraging their infants to assist on their shoplifting expeditions had been dropped from her acquaintance , as she regarded petty larceny as common and ill-advised — and had taken her to many places deemed of interest to children which Scarlet would have found uncongenial .
26 Princess Margaret , President of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children , opens the Hertfordshire Child Protection Team 's Unit , Hemel Hempstead .
27 11 October : The Princess Margaret , Countess of Snowdon , President of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children , this afternoon opened ‘ Treetops ’ , the Society 's Child Protection Team 's Unit in Hemel Hempstead .
28 For example , voluntary organizations played , and will continue to play , a central role in the provision of children 's services ; they were also influential in shaping new child care legislation ( for example : The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and the Children Act , 1908 ; Association of British Adoption Agencies and the 1975 Children Act ) .
29 This article describes research conducted into the referral and investigative work of the Rochdale based Child Protection Team ( CPT ) of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ( NSPCC ) .
30 ‘ Are you aware ’ , she asked , ‘ that the National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children has now been in existence for ten years ? ’
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