Example sentences of "the word [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The wry smile accompanying the words made her throat tighten .
2 The molten anger behind the words had her twisting round in shock to face him .
3 An alternative approach is to let the words decide their own tags .
4 The air between them suddenly seemed static , as she fought for the words to justify her decision .
5 For Joan , though she had not recognized the fact until that instant when the words crossed her lips , had meant what she said .
6 The moment the words left her lips she saw the trap , but it was too late .
7 Even as the words left her lips she knew they sounded ridiculous .
8 The moment the words left her lips she regretted them .
9 She could have bitten her tongue the moment the words left her mouth .
10 She knew it as soon as the words left her mouth .
11 ‘ Excuse me , ’ I said in as casual a voice as I could muster , and as the words left my lips a strange and wonderful thing happened .
12 It was the first time she heard him use ‘ we ’ and ‘ together ’ ; the words entered her consciousness like comets , blazing .
13 I wanted Richard to take a moment to let the words have their full impact on the Prince , and then to say to himself , ‘ I do , I will . ’
14 ‘ The crudest joke against the human race lies in that sweaty farce by which we are first formed and given life — ’ the words caught his eye .
15 Well , the Doc Marten has now been granted official recognition — it 's one of the words making its debut in the new Shorter Oxford English Dictionary .
16 Her voice , when it came , sounded like an old woman 's voice , cracked and tremulous , and the words strained her throat .
17 As the words blazed their rainbow colours around him he flung his hands back and prepared to say the eighth and final word that would appear in coruscating octarine and seal the spell .
18 The words turned her lip — something of a sneer , something of sorrow .
19 Here if I am wrong , my error is substantial , for in being wrong about whether ‘ pink ’ is the word to describe my present experience I am wrong about what pink is and hence about whether my experience is of pink rather than of orange .
20 ‘ I do n't think that 's quite the word to describe my feelings — ’
21 Guillaume ( 1984 : 120ff ) shows that all substantives , adjectives , adverbs and verbs are inherently predicative because they bring to mind a lexical notion which has to be said about something in order for the word to perform its function in discourse .
22 With other persons and tenses , the word assumes its other more fully lexical meaning as in :
23 The use of the direct route to the lexicon , the route which uses the visual code of the word to access its lexical representation , can be demonstrated in a number of ways .
24 The Word makes its own impact on Theophilus ( Luke 1:1 , Acts 1:1 ) , Cornelius ( 10:44 ) , the proconsul of Cyprus ( 13:7 ) , and on the citizens of Antioch ( 13:44 ) .
25 At the mere thought of the word shift his penis leaped doggily to attention .
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