Example sentences of "the area [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It is also important that the areas where the varnish is being applied are dust-free and that you are not wearing clothes which will shed dust or fibres on to the surface .
2 But yesterday 's document from the Ombudsman is specific in pinpointing the areas where the Department of Trade Industry was at fault .
3 ‘ There is light in all the windows of buildings in the areas where the demonstrations are under way .
4 These are the areas where the difficulties of the LM 's lie and , as Hahnemann tells us in §278 , theorizing is not enough to tell us what the ideal degree of smallness of the dose is to effect a gentle cure , and that ‘ Only pure experiment , the meticulous observation of the sensitivity of each patient , and sound experience can determine this in each individual case . ’
5 The furniture should be arranged to allow free passage , and it is probably wise not to have breakable ornaments or glass-fronted cabinets in the areas where the patient will be .
6 Significant increases in energy usage — of some 140% — will occur in Africa and South Asia , the areas where the poorest countries are to be found .
7 Farming is different in the areas where the soils are formed by ( i ) lowland peat , and ( ii ) the fine mud and silt of river alluvium .
8 These are precisely the areas where the unemployment is highest .
9 Paint on hardener Brush on special wood hardener quite liberally around the areas where the wood has been removed .
10 It was only when cash crops reduced the importance of subsistence agriculture and the amount of forest land declined in districts adjacent to the areas where the new markets had been created that the market economy began to work against the crime .
11 It is a South American fish , but not from the areas where the water is soft and acid .
12 In the areas where the fighting continues though , this fragile balance has been destroyed , and a more lasting solution is desperately needed .
13 If you knit the pattern colour on the ribber , in the areas where the main colour is knitting on its own the knitting is n't joined between front and back .
14 I actually believe that one of the areas where the Catholic Church did a lot of damage , is that because of a celibate clergy this obsession with sex has exaggerated it too much .
15 Part of an answer to these may be found in the fact that a personal visit ( by the researchers ) to the areas where the black arrestees lived revealed that these were pockets of very poor houses in large wards of predominantly good class housing .
16 The headings of this document describe the areas where the BDA is active either through its own efforts or by sponsoring , partially funding or otherwise assisting the work of other bodies .
17 Exposed rocky coasts are preferred for both hauling out and breeding and so the islands of Orkney , Hebrides , Shetland , Farne , Scilly and Man and the coasts of Dorset , Devon , Cornwall and Wales are the areas where the seals will be found .
18 It is intended to approach this by studying : — their patenting activity by means of patents granted to them in the United States in the past 25 years ; this will indicate the areas where the industries/economies of each country — and their research/innovative activity appears to be strongest ; — the adoption of the selected major postwar innovations and their diffusion in the industries of each of the countries covered ; — their performance in ‘ high-technology ’ areas ; — certain indicators of the countries ' energy economics ; — and possibly assess their productivity level in comparison with some West European countries ; Economic research institutes in Sofia , Prague , Budapest and Warsaw will cooperate by providing — where necessary — the technical and statistical information required .
19 Under either system you still need to ensure that the areas where the time was spent are adequately recorded on the file itself .
20 If not really bad , certain conformational faults need not bar a mare from breeding but it is important to be aware of them in order to make sure the stallion you choose is strong in the areas where the mare is weak .
21 As a general rule , the areas wherein the patient 's nursing needs are changing rapidly will require a greater concentration of skilled nursing staff than those where the patient 's health status is stable .
22 To start with you may feel slightly feverish and your skin may feel painful and ‘ prickly ’ over the area where the rash will appear .
23 On the way back from No. 6 Commando positions to Brigade H.Q the road was busy with Jeeps ferrying the wounded from the area where the Black Watch had been attacking the German positions .
24 A coastguard vessel , fighting huge seas and high winds , picked up two empty life rafts and the wreckage of a third near the area where the ships ran into trouble .
25 In England and Wales this needs to be done in the area where the person died , not where they lived , if these two places are different .
26 Since many males are excluded from the area where the females are , there is competition between young upstarts and older territory-owners for access to the areas of females .
27 Not at all , particularly as your clitoris is away from the area where the baby is .
28 The area where the Industrial Revolution had received its greatest impetus was soon one of high unemployment .
29 When you have noted the area where the bream cease to roll and do not appear again in the immediate vicinity , the terminal point will be a few yards further along in the direction they were travelling .
30 Ltd. solved this problem by unexpectedly visiting the area where the odour was allegedly perceived , but this is the exception rather than the rule .
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