Example sentences of "the child [is] not " in BNC.

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1 Some parents feel that the problem centres on the child 's not getting to the lavatory in time ( Berg et al .
2 The child 's not very big ;
3 Here is another sense in which the child is not ‘ object ’ but ‘ person ’ , with a right to be heard , without an accompanying and inappropriate responsibility to decide .
4 The child is not badly hurt , Hector .
5 The child is not admonished ; Peter , adopting the role of the wise and reasonable father , notes his behaviour with amusement .
6 The point , of course , is that at the outset the child is not doing what he or she should but has to be started off .
7 Do not disturb this sleep unless there are other indications that the child is not sleeping a peaceful , healing sleep .
8 If there is disagreement over how seriously ill the child is , or how the illness should be dealt with , try to discuss these matters quietly when the child is not there , and agree on a common approach .
9 Thus could a parent make a fairly reasonable answer which would acknowledge that the child is not silly , and has a perfect right to be treated in an adult way when he asks a serious question .
10 If we must have ‘ classics ’ let us accept James Steel Smith 's definition of a book that ‘ provides some special imaginative experience which the child is not likely to get from other sources — or at least in the same degree of intensity — and which ‘ it would be a shame for him to miss ’ ( 1967 , p. 121 ) .
11 The child is not dead …
12 Some linguistic abilities may not be detected , not because the child is not able to demonstrate them , but simply because the occasion did not arise where they were required .
13 The second baseline may show no difference from the first in which case the child is not learning .
14 After the first few minutes the child is not going to learn any more from the experience and will either fall asleep , start to play , or get up to mischief in the room .
15 This requires a lot of persistence by the parent particularly when the child is not interested in food .
16 Presenting food to the child is not correlated with weight while prompts are highly correlated ; the higher the intensity of the prompt the higher the correlation ( Klesges et al .
17 The child is not capable of controlling this flow and will show staining of his or her pants .
18 The child is not choosing from modes but accepting this visual mixture .
19 The rationale behind this decision may be to make it abundantly clear that the child is not the product of the adopters ' relationship with each other or with anyone else .
20 The child is not the same as they are .
21 Four paragraphs later where the second quotation appears , the child is not unable to take responsibility but is refusing to take it .
22 For any relinquishing parents grieving is especially difficult since the child is not actually ‘ dead ’ , but still lives somewhere else .
23 The very freedom which marks the period of childhood gives unrivalled opportunity for picking up all sorts of information about the environment ; the child is not handicapped by attending school and listening to formal instruction which is for the most part unrelated to his interests and needs .
24 Both parents should , if possible , be brought to see the essentiality of relationships which are as smooth as possible if the child is not to be affected .
25 The parents are not church members , the child is not baptised but wants baptised , who makes the promises ?
26 The child is not mine .
27 For no claim can be permitted if the child is not mine .
28 That 's no good , because then the true worth of the child is not coming out , and at that age I mean , what had started it was last year I I did n't want him to do it .
29 Over-praising the child is not a good idea either .
30 but the child is not your child .
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