Example sentences of "the way most [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I , I think it was largely the way most girls were treated .
2 ‘ And it wo n't be resting — not in the way most actors use the term , anyway . ’
3 ‘ These people were glad I was there , ’ North would say of his time in Vietnam , in sharp contradistinction to the way most Americans seemed to feel about it .
4 ‘ The secret was kept in the way most secrets are kept , which is to say that although the truth did not get out , something got out .
5 Well in theory that 's the way most typing pools works
6 Without benefit of make-up and designer clothes , she looks like a twelve-year-old boy , the way most models do : fresh-faced , scrubbed , clean-limbed .
7 A spokesman for the industrial lobby warned that the amendments " will dramatically change our lifestyles and the way most companies do business . "
8 So called keyhole surgery is being hailed as the way most operations will be carried out in the future but only a minority of surgeons can actually do it .
9 I had n't wanted him before he was born , and , though I had never neglected him physically , I had n't loved him in the way most mothers love their children .
10 it is still far from obvious that these will prove particularly suitable for any significant level of care provision … receiving assistance from the other without any acceptable means of reciprocation is quite contrary to the way most friendships are routinely ordered .
11 Because of the way most bureaux are structured , it is usually hard for the advice worker to remain blissfully unaware of the length of the queue .
12 that 's the way most bible verse is today , really want it
13 But along the way most activists realized the futility of trying to struggle with no funds and impossible odds .
14 Even Diana , an absolute beginner in the rules of love , was starting to suspect that this was not the way most men conducted their romances .
15 Yet he saw the danger in making these communities an ideal , as he turned an anthropological eye on Christianity and perceived that such examples seem to proffer no solution to industrial urban and suburban existence — the way most people live .
16 It 's the way most people discover the best things in life .
17 Right so , a literal translation might turn out to be very stiff and stilted , and not the way most people would use language .
18 She contacted me through a friends , that 's the way most people contact me .
19 Right and this is the way most people get into integration .
20 These procedures are not without academic credentials ( Haynes 1980 : 102 — 7 ) , and describe the way most organisations have always behaved for most of the time .
21 It is , of course , an image of the city very far removed from the way most Delhi people conceive of their home today .
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