Example sentences of "the way [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As with the official curriculum , much has been researched and written on the ways teacher-pupil interaction can be different for boys than for girls , and a brief initial summary will suffice .
2 As you may know , there has been much scientific argument about the ways such traits appear .
3 A small team of business experts have been gathered together to look at the ways new markets and business prospects can be fully exploited .
4 Television has , nevertheless , had a noticeable impact on the ways many Members use the procedures of the House .
5 Every patient is treated according to his specific needs , and every physiotherapist treats her patients individually , so there is enormous variation in the ways different physiotherapists treat different patients .
6 Crime , like boxing , is one of the ways working-class boys get their feet under tables otherwise forbidden to them .
7 Select committees have had substantial coverage , but all the evidence suggests — and this is my own impression , having served or attended many committees over the years and now seeing them on television — that , with a few minor modifications , the ways these committees work is little changed .
8 Shirk 's work , already alluded to , focused on the ways high school students in the 1960s pursued their own objectives within a highly politicised social setting .
9 ( b ) Discuss the merits and demerits of using this form of note to reveal the ways historical information can inter-connect ( e.g. the direction of the relationship ) .
10 The combination with videodisc players is particularly interesting because of the ways random access can be exploited .
11 Earlier in this article I have argued that the initial debates and policies which emerged in the wake of the growing black presence were characterized by various forms of cultural and ethnic essentialism or reductionism and that this still persists , for example , in the way ethnic monitoring and other official know ledges are produced .
12 A second problem is the way ethnic credentialism has been used to canonize certain texts , or underwrite certain schools of thought as possessing the authentic or correct perspective on racism .
13 The way official paths often come into being is absurd .
14 A thorough understanding of the way official statistics were collected and of the workings of the administration is shown to be essential for the proper interpretation of these data .
15 It was fascinating to watch how people of different temperaments and races worked together or to observe the way key personalities tended to colour the group .
16 Concentration on evolutionism has led historians to ignore a wide range of parallel developments affecting the way western culture visualized the natural world .
17 Feminists should question , for instance , the way Western thought has downgraded the body relative to the mind , the emotions relative to reason .
18 The dinner marked a Reporting Japan conference , which looked at the way western journalists report Japan .
19 Many situations predispose to spatial disorientation — The main ones are : a ) Any situation involving a reduction or change in the way essential cues are available to you , eg on transition from visual to instrument flight or attempting to fly visually when what you can see is inadequate as in poor light , haze or high altitude .
20 That way they should develop a rounder picture and perhaps some insight into the way simple actions must be patterned before we recognise them as ‘ sensitivity ’ , ‘ passivity ’ or whatever .
21 One Whig voter , after " running violently against a clergyman " , said " stand out of the way passive obedience " .
22 The project will examine the way 11-16 year olds respond to scientific and technological change .
23 If Marx 's and Engels 's hypothesis concerning the origin of the State must remain questionable , their theory seems more important for understanding the way existing states actually work .
24 With the inability of stable monetary and/or fiscal policy to alter the real course of the economy , it is the determinants of the ‘ natural rates ’ that are the source of concern , and this is where the supply-siders would say they come in : by highlighting the way existing government policy provisions affect utility-maximizing choices , they concern themselves with the location of the various functions involved .
25 But in Japanese studies this tendency is compounded by the way contemporary Japan is starkly contrasted with the ‘ dark valley ’ of the 1930s .
26 It may now be said , however , that a self-conscious conventionalist would indeed ponder over past doctrine in the way actual judges do , not for evidence of popular opinion but more directly , because any lawmaker must take care to make new law consistent with old .
27 However , studies have shown ( Hood , 1962 , 1972 ; Parker et al. , 1999 ) that the chief formative influence on sentencing practice in magistrates ' courts is not the law or the advice received from other professionals in court , nor even the way similar cases have been decided by that particular court in the past .
28 One inescapable consequence of operating a highly discretionary decision-making process is a marked degree of disparity in the way similar offenders are dealt with by sentencers in different parts of the country .
29 The stated objective of this new contract is to improve the standard of general practice and it proposes substantial changes in the way general practice is structured and financed .
30 Discussion about the way continental rifts form and how , in some cases , they develop into sites of continental rupture and sea-floor spreading raises the much broader question of why supercontinents break up .
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