Example sentences of "the [adj -est] we [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So here we are , that 's what it 's like , and that 's the deepest we can go and the clearest we can get .
2 So that 's the cheapest we can get .
3 If we drop a tin can probably nothing will happen ; at the worst we may make a small dent .
4 ‘ If the worst comes to the worst we shall have to take the train to Manchester .
5 Hey — if the worst comes to the worst we could always have a ‘ safe ’ official list , and an ‘ alternative ’ list .
6 I think it 's the nearest we 'll get to it , and it 's in the White Paper and it can be used in exactly the sense that I gather you would like it to be used , in the discussions we have on the results of the scrutiny , and that would be the starting point there .
7 The nearest we can get to a guarantee of success in our moral choices is the cogency of the arguments that we bring to bear in their support coupled with the recognition that what we are almost invariably doing , as MacIver points out and thinkers like Sartre have laboured to establish , is continually deciding between possible alternatives .
8 A text , whether considered as a whole work or as an extract from a work , is the nearest we can get to a homogeneous and specific use of language .
9 Thus , for us , the idea of varying strength of network links is the nearest we can get to understanding the notion of a speech community .
10 The newest models at Yorvik are based on a computer reconstruction , which can take a skull and remodel the flesh on the human face ; building up from the skeleton is the nearest we can get to what individual Vikings actually looked like .
11 Erm , and it 's been quickly Christianized with just two little lectures at the beginning of two chapters to Christianize so it was popped in for new testament and it 's the nearest we can get to teaching .
12 The earliest we could start work would be the 19th September , for which I would need to put out a call during August .
13 So here we are , that 's what it 's like , and that 's the deepest we can go and the clearest we can get .
14 The best we could hope for is that she 's had a brainstorm , and I do n't know how often that happens outside of books .
15 The odds , as they well knew , were against them finishing even one tour , but war is a horrible business and we all had to do the best we could in discouraging circumstances .
16 However , this was the best we could do and we hope that the consequent errors are not too great .
17 We were convinced the single would go storming into the Top 20 … it was the best we could do with that photo session … ‘
18 The best we could do was to arrange for some of our experienced investigators to spend a few days explaining how we worked , and then to attach our visitors to a particular investigation that was current so that they could experience the practical application of our methods .
19 I was er Chairman of Public Health and various chim , I was Chairman of the Road Safety , which I was very interested in I was very road safety conscious and we each were given a job which we tried to do the best we could with and then we well , whatever we were asked to do we began to make a good town , you know ?
20 Once you 've got that you could fiddle around with that and we used to lower a station down , tie the end , we 'd do the best we could to do it .
21 It wo n't get you your money back for you , love , but it was the best we could think of . ’
22 He described the results for the 12 months to the end of March as ‘ the best we could have hoped for ’ .
23 I think Wilko is the best we could have possibly gotten in a manager and people ( including me unto recently when I was put right ) are ready to forget what he 's done for the club .
24 We did the best we could
25 A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said : ‘ The time was the best we could arrange between ourselves , the club and the police . ’
26 We are saying it is the best we can do and we must judge how it is operating . ’
27 In these days of decline in public provision , these little posters are perhaps the best we can hope for .
28 The best we can do today , says Lord Joseph , is warn young people , as much as possible , that poverty and teenage single parenting are inextricably linked .
29 Once out on the big seas of life , we each have to do the best we can , whether we have sails , or engines , or nothing but a wooden paddle .
30 The aspiration towards some sort of rational understanding of the causal relationship is probably the best we can achieve .
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