Example sentences of "the [indef pn] she have " in BNC.

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1 The object in question was Franca 's divan bed , the one she had slept on in the upstairs spare room when she had been looking after Patrick .
2 The one she had n't seen for twelve years , had been ranting about , who never raised a finger to help and left it all to Nancy ?
3 She thought with a rush of gratitude of the letter she had had from Gay , in answer to the one she had written on the first night of the holidays .
4 On her very next day off Paula made herself up carefully , put on her smartest suit — a cheap version of the one she had shown in the restaurant — and caught a bus to Bristol .
5 He , the one she had assumed to be Forest , was descending carefully , stealthily , carrying some heavy object …
6 Kit Hegarty was in the big front bedroom , the one she had let to the two brothers from Galway .
7 As he held her she seemed to swell , as if another skin , another body , more calm and perfect than the one she had , grew out of her as token for that love of him which could in looks and words show itself so inadequately .
8 Gedanken suddenly remembered the roll of rubber sheeting — the one she had seen in the corner of the laboratory .
9 She wanted to say in her other voice , the one she had mislaid outside , So here you are at last , on my estate , in my house , at my place in front of the fire .
10 Giovanna Sassanta had given Julia a rather different view of the fighting in the Cassino valley from the one she had gained from the British newspapers at the time .
11 The wedding was not going to be the one she had dreamed of .
12 It was n't as sophisticated as the one she had worn whilst attached to IMC during the Dalek Wars , three hundred years in the future , but it brought back memories of belonging , of finally being accepted on her own terms by a group of her peers .
13 The one she had slept in for years before moving upstairs this summer to share with Thérèse .
14 Among them was the one she had seen on the Jonquil .
15 She hoped his maps were more up to date and accurate than the one she had bought at the newsstand .
16 She was led into an office not unlike the one she had recently left , and charges were read out .
17 The only brush she possessed was the one she used for her make-up , and the only pencil the one she had found lying about on the sideboard .
18 It was the one she had been rehearsing for all her life — that of martyr .
19 Given half a chance she 'd have taken on the job of finding a soul-mate for Shannon with all the crusading zeal of a missionary , since she was blissfully convinced that true happiness could be found only in a strong relationship such as the one she had .
20 He had spoken in the voice of the army officer he had once been , expecting instant obedience , showing McAllister a man far removed from the one she had now known for over two months .
21 She came to the spare bedroom , the one she had spent that first unforgettable night in , and slipped inside .
22 The one awaiting her at the château was far more public , and that was the one she had to face head-on .
23 Then , realising that sooner or later he must be given a reason for her presence , she repeated the one she had given Stella .
24 The picture that was emerging was quite different from the one she had gleaned from the cuttings .
25 She glared at me , dug beneath her cloak and pushed a purse ( much leaner than the one she had given me the night before ) into my hand .
26 He seemed quite a different man from the one she had met the other day across Mr. Crowther 's desk , quite different from the man who talked to Jenny this afternoon .
27 Everything seemed to remind her of him : the jade T-shirt which she 'd worn on that happy day they 'd spent on the beach ; a phrase of music on the radio which they 'd listened to together ; and even baking a chocolate cake for the children had almost broken her up when she 'd remembered how much he 'd enjoyed the one she had made in New York .
28 In three months , too , while she knew she would n't get a job that paid as well as the one she had now , she should have secured another job , should n't she ?
29 This was a different Fernando from the one she had loved so passionately before .
30 Fabia was ready for him this time , though , and had no intention of making another mistake , like the one she had made about her job .
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