Example sentences of "the [det] thing at " in BNC.

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1 She cooked , she cleaned , she shopped , she walked Pilade , she saw to her lodgers — day after day she did the same things at the same time , and instead of being driven half mad with boredom , insane with frustration , she found herself strangely at peace .
2 They smiled into each other 's faces , pointing to the same things at the same time , sharing .
3 So contrasting is it that one may wonder whether its adherents are looking at the same thing at all : ‘ As the eighties unfold , humanity faces a worldwide shortage of productive cropland , acute land hunger in many countries , escalating prices for farmland almost everywhere … ’
4 I remembered them again when Tony Jacklin did the same thing at the very next Open — — and , amazingly , at the 17th again .
5 An eight-year-old child does not learn the same thing at the same speed as a five-year-old child .
6 At the end of each week you can then add up your total time and compare your planned and achieved time to measure your progress ; and you can do the same thing at the end of 30 days .
7 When he said much the same thing at the end of the Council , Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the right-wing were up in arms at this ‘ humanism ’ .
8 The convention most often mistaken for logic is explicitness , which , he shows , is not the same thing at all .
9 Compulsive overworking ( workaholism ) or overachieving ( which is not necessarily the same thing at all ) are conditions that lead to much debate .
10 It is simply convenient for governments , which is not the same thing at all .
11 " That 's not the same thing at all .
12 All quite in order , of course , he has done the same thing at least twice before .
13 Thus the more nearly perfect a market is , the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing at the same time in all parts of the market : but of course if the market is large , allowance must be made for the expense of delivering the goods to different purchasers ; each of whom must be supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery .
14 ‘ But nobody appreciates more than me how Ian feels because I endured the same thing at exactly this time last year .
15 The two are not necessarily the same thing at all .
16 I assumed whole group drama had to be about football hooligans on their way to a match or passengers in an aeroplane about to crash ; that there might be shades of difference , but that basically everybody would be doing the same thing at the same time .
17 As discussed in Chapters 3 and 5 , whole group work rarely means the whole class doing the same thing at the same time .
18 ‘ It 's not the same thing at all !
19 But they were probably saying the same thing at the end of the 1960s after the Socialist Party of the day , the Federation de la Gauche Democrate et Socialiste , had won a mere 16.5 per cent of the vote in the 1968 general election and Gaston Deferre , their candidate in the following year 's presidential election had polled just 5 per cent .
20 Ann said they kept both wanting the same thing at the same time .
21 Look , we 're all doing the same thing at different
22 My idea of a nature reserve and what I was actually looking at were not the same thing at all .
23 And he did the same thing at Brackley Town , he guided them to success , their best ever season , he 's gone to Buckingham Town , took a few players with him , so Brackley Town , they 're not too pleased and they 're going to be out to beat Buckingham Town tonight , but I 'm going to sit on the fence and go for Buckingham 3 1 .
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