Example sentences of "the [det] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , that 's the least we can do .
2 The least I would expect would be an immediate invitation from the Prime Minister , come and see me , because if it was happening on the streets of any city in Britain and the MP stood up and said what I 've said I think he would be in Downing Street within the night .
3 and he said well it was the least I could do under the circumstance .
4 Shit , I thought , the least she could do is keep them sheathed when she does n't need them .
5 The least she could do in return was to meet him halfway .
6 I mean , the re at the least you could go and have a look I suppose if
7 after it 's been cut the least you can do is give yourself a shake
8 It was the least he could do .
9 It was the least he could do .
10 It was the least he could do .
11 It seemed , thought Henry , the least he could do .
12 He said he 'd noticed that our Mini was getting a bit down at heel , and in the light of Ken 's injuries he thought the least he could do was to give me a better means of transport .
13 It was the least he could do .
14 He insisted that the least he could do would be to pay for the coffee , and he always tried to do the least that he could .
15 It seemed — the least he could do — to deny himself the dramatic gesture , to humiliate himself .
16 The least he could do , Graham thought was take off that ridiculous tartan cap .
17 The least he could do is have it rolled .
18 The least he can do is respond immediately with a carefully worded personal letter .
19 The least he can do is buy us a decent lunch . ’
20 It was , thought Joshua , probably the least he should do .
21 These instruments then provide a pseudo-scientific basis for giving most of the educational goodies to the few who can ‘ benefit ’ from them .
22 A slim , wiry youth , he was one of the few who could claim a ‘ middle-class ’ upbringing .
23 Paisley , one of the few who could grasp the larger issues brought into focus by the assassination attempt at Tully-West , unfortunately was absent at Westminster .
24 Payment for the two men who died because of you and the many who might have died . ’
25 This applies to those who will be employed by others and to the many who may expect , for part or all of their working lives , to be self-employed .
26 We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately .
27 As an example of the latter we can recall one case in which the famous ‘ scientific ’ investigator of the paranormal , JB Rhine ( 1895–1980 ) , asked an experimental subject to try , clairvoyantly , to perceive the images on a set of cards that Rhine was turning up .
28 The latter we can do immediately ; the former will take a little longer ( Theorem 1.4.10 ) .
29 If one runs out of the latter one can use paper tissues instead , though I would n't recommend them for pressing fragile flower heads as the tissues can leave a slight pattern on the petals .
30 If in the latter one could not tell whether his voice was as bad as it was supposed to be , the former gave ample proof .
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