Example sentences of "the [noun prp] for its " in BNC.

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1 Gradually , over the years , the colour of the breed became darker through mahogany to black , and there was plenty of crossing to the Hereford for its grazing characteristics and to the Ayrshire to restore milk yields .
2 Among the controversial issues which any negotiations would have to address were the following [ see also p. 36837 for so-called " Harare declaration " on ANC proposals for future negotiations , and p. 36912 for earlier policy guidelines ] : ( i ) nationalization : in press interviews in the days following his release , Mandela had reasserted the ANC 's stated policy of nationalizing certain sectors of the economy , including mines — this immediately provoked sharp falls on South African financial markets [ see also p. 37176 ] ; ( ii ) the armed struggle : Mandela had refused to renounce this policy , repeating on Feb. 14 that government installations were legitimate targets for sabotage [ ibid. ] ; ( iii ) power-sharing : the government and the ANC still appeared to be a long way apart on interpretation — the ANC for its part was not prepared to accept an arrangement similar to the current tri-cameral parliament ; ( iv ) sanctions : Mandela had already stated that " the conditions for which sanctions are being applied still exist " and thus there was no need for a review of the question [ for UK Prime Minister 's unilateral decision to break EC agreement on voluntary sanctions see below ] .
3 The ANC for its part responded that it regarded the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) as the private army of the NP and called instead for the integration of MK and the SADF into a new national army .
4 Scotland is renowned for its hospitality and the SRU for its organisational ability .
5 For example , in one case the government sought an interim injunction to restrain a drug company from disobeying a statutory order regulating the price it could charge the NHS for its drugs ; and in a recent series of cases local authorities have sought interim injunctions against traders to restrain them from opening their businesses on Sunday in breach of Sunday trading laws .
6 Earlier that week , he had attacked the PPP for its " fascist tendencies " .
7 Conservative politicians attack the BBC for its alleged left-wing bias ( Newton , 1988a , p. 326 ) ; academic sociologists attack it for its alleged anti-trade union and pro-right-wing bias ( Glasgow University Media Group , 1976 , 1980 , 1982 ; Beharrell and Philo , 1977 ) .
8 SIR — I agree with George Walden that David Mellor should beware acting hastily against the BBC for its election coverage ( article , April 13 ) .
9 The origin of ITV can be explained in many ways : as a classic case ( perhaps the first , post-war ) of high pressure political lobbying ; as Churchill 's revenge on the BBC for its disdainful treatment of him during the 1926 General Strike and in his wilderness years in the 1930s , when he was largely kept off the air ; or as part of the Conservative move to ‘ set the people free ’ from the bureaucracy and greyness allegedly intrinsic to Labour planning and the construction of the welfare state ( sweets , be it remembered , did not finally come off ration until 1953 ) .
10 No one , to my knowledge , attempted to press charges of deception against the BBC for its reporters ' filming tactics in the series Black and White Britain screened a few years ago .
11 A Downing Street spokesman said he was grateful to the BBC for its prompt decision to draw attention to the lapse , and for respecting the confidentiality of the call .
12 Sun Microsystems Inc has shunted NCR Corp out of the frame at UK newspaper and magazine wholesaler and high street retailer , John Menzies UK Ltd , Edinburgh : Sun Sparcstations will replace NCR Towers in Menzies ' 66 branches across the UK for its wholesale operation .
13 A good example of a large multi-national company organised on a matrix structure is UNILEVER , best known in the UK for its subsidiary Lever Bros , the soap and detergent manufacturer .
14 Following the talks senior Chinese officials described the British proposals on passports as not conducive to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong , and criticized the UK for its lack of consultation with China over the colony 's Bill of Rights [ see p. 37319 ] .
15 But even that can not properly equip the PLA for its modern role .
16 The same year , 1981 , details emerged of a proposed plan to export UK plutonium , from the civil programme , to the US for its fast reactor programme .
17 In the past , questions have been raised about the publication of financial reports and the accountability of the UKCC for its use of funds to those who supply them .
18 In the 1950s the UK was still second to the USA for its share of world manufacturing exports and produced half the world 's export of motor cars .
19 However the practice remains accountable to the FPC for its drugs expenditure .
20 All subsequent profits from sales of the game , which retails at £13.99 , go directly to the YMCA for its work in the community in Sheffield .
21 Commentators analysing the results said that they showed that voters had rewarded the NSF for its efforts over the past six months , had opted for gradual change , and supported a political grouping which showed far greater coherence than the fragmented opposition .
22 The Muslim-led Bosnian government came under criticism from the UNHCR for its decision to boycott distribution of aid in Sarajevo until the Muslims in the east are fed .
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