Example sentences of "the [noun prp] would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That would mean the SCU would almost certainly increase the players ' daily allowance , which was doubled for this tour from £5 to £10 a day .
2 As the NME would later note , ‘ A TV appearance to promote ‘ Sheila ’ pours nitroglycerine on the flames ( of the ‘ split rumours ’ ) .
3 Rather puzzlingly , the EEC would sometimes revert to being low voltage , activated , while the subject was still plainly asleep .
4 The EEC would inevitably have a powerful voice in the corridors of the OECD , with direct links to Washington .
5 He said before agreeing funding the DoE would however require assurances on future management of the site .
6 The KGB would now operate in four areas : intelligence , counter-intelligence , fighting terrorism and serious crime , and protecting key state installations .
7 The SSA would particularly like to thank Crispin On of Dulwich for his fine efforts in organising the squash competition .
8 Allegedly Pierremont originally named Pierpont which translates as ‘ the house on the hill overlooking the Cocker Beck ’ was built in the 1830s by John Botcherby who swore that it would be the grandest villa in town and that the Peases would never own it .
9 Nevertheless , continuing discontent with the ruling party led commentators to predict that , despite the party 's current gains , the LDP would almost certainly lose seats at the forthcoming election .
10 He said the RSSPCC would unconditionally oppose the programme ‘ on the simple principle that this can do nothing except prolong the distress and damage of the children , ’ regardless of the rights or wrongs of the authorities ' handling of the case .
11 At the time of Fahreddin Acemi 's becoming Mufti-perhaps in 844/1440–1 on Molla Yegan 's resigning his posts , but in any case not later than 848/1444 the Darulhadis would probably have been the one important medrese in Edirne founded by the reigning sultan , Murad II , since his other complex including a medrese , the Uc Serefeli , though begun in 841/1438 , was not completed until 851/1447 .
12 The Darulhadis would thus , arguably , have been the ranking medrese in Edirne at the time .
13 Battuta put up with all this for he had reason to believe that the Sultan would amply reward him for his efforts .
14 Removal of 2000 m during the Permian would only require a rate of 53 m per million years .
15 For the purpose of teacher training regulations the CNAA would now need to become a ‘ relevant organization ’ on the same footing as the Area Training Organizations .
16 It is also extremely unlikely that the ANC would ever receive an official Broederbond delegation .
17 The Volkovs would soon be back in Russia .
18 But he noted that the USSR would probably evaluate the military concessions granted by the United States as a result of such disengagement as greater than those conceded on their own part .
19 At the time of the Korean War in 1950 he feared a Soviet invasion and he believed that the USSR would only agree to German reunification on its own terms , which could well result in Communist rule .
20 On the contrary , Ligachev insisted , the USSR would never leave the path of Leninism or abandon the achievements of the ‘ glorious seventy-year history of Soviet power ’ .
21 However , as indicated by certain recent Soviet writings on the non-aligned states examined in Chapter 1 , such closer multilateral East-South military integration is not a prospect the USSR would necessarily be averse to if the required opportunities arose .
22 As they would tell the story , the USSR would long ago have been crushed but for these measures .
23 The CEGB would perhaps be more fully convincing in its argument on fuel diversity if it could show that it had more real commitment to the development and use over a long time scale of renewable-energy technologies .
24 Should aught happen to Anne Mowbray , support for the Woodvilles would no longer be forthcoming .
25 Government sources said later that the Commons would shortly be given a chance to debate the provisions in the act which have to be renewed annually .
26 The party in the Commons would probably have done so , though not without a severing of all connections by a determined minority ; there is little doubt though that the party outside parliament would not have accepted fusion , or that they could have prevented its implementation .
27 The AP correspondent would then read out the latest dispatch form Teheran and according to the British embassy , " The Shah would then put on his spectacles and , in a charming manner which endeared him to present , would comment in his quiet English on the news .
28 The UN would also provide aid to Thailand in the rehabilitation of camp areas after the departure of the refugees .
29 The SNC would turn over most of its powers to the UN until a new Cambodian government was elected ; the UN would probably administer defence , foreign affairs , finance , public security and information .
30 If those worst fears were to come true , the Soviet-American consensus in the UN would quickly disappear — and with it the body 's best hope of effectiveness .
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