Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 As Keith explained , it was not any easier for him to take up employment with the RAF because his father had been a career forces man .
2 In 1312 Clement V sent his vice-chancellor of the Curia and his chamberlain to resolve the conflict over Gaveston ; in 1316–17 another mission was involved with the realignment of parties ; and in 1326 the pope gave his backing to the queen only after his envoys had failed to achieve an Anglo-French peace between Charles IV and Edward II .
3 His troubles in 1971 , however , were not just the March and his propensity for accidents : the fact was that he was now an experienced F3 driver , known to be quick , but by the nature of the formula was racing against a lot of people who were just beginners and knew far less than he did about the sport .
4 The Dean and his pet labrador are both depicted wearing dog collars ; the bursar , with ears big enough to flap over to Christ Church , is seen tightly clenching two money bags .
5 While Dean of Leighlin he hunted on the banks of the Barrow but his main residence was at Carrickblacker where he kept a stable of fine horses and in 1786 imported Hungarian hares to improve the native stock .
6 He had come to the Borinage as his parents ' representative , dressed correctly in the approved manner , his accents refined , and ‘ showed in his appearance all the characteristics of Dutch cleanliness . ’
7 He returned home from the Falklands because his crew could stand no more of the Antarctic .
8 Yassir Abd Rabbuh , deputy secretary-general of the DFLP until his dismissal in April [ see p. 38167 ] , was elected secretary-general of the new more moderate , non-marxist wing , which was close to Arafat 's Fatah movement .
9 Abernathy 's inability to fulfil the legacy of his charismatic predecessor , together with increasing differences with the King family , however , resulted in the gradual eclipse of the SCLC and his resignation as president in 1977 .
10 Paul Cole sends Magic Ring back sprinting after the colt 's failure in the Greenham and his first target will be the Temple Stakes at Sandown .
11 Although he vehemently denied being a fascist , merely wishing to purge the Conservatives of all Jewish influence , his unparliamentary statements expressed to the NL and his connection with the Tyler Kent affair in 1940 left considerable room for doubt .
12 During 1989 and 1990 the Sultan and his government continued their efforts to reduce Brunei 's dependence on income from petroleum and natural gas — broadening the economy was the primary aim of the fifth five-year plan ( 1986-90 ) .
13 When the French Captain Landolphe delivered a consignment of coral necklaces and rosaries in 1778 , he and his companions were invited to inspect the royal regalia carried in procession by the Oba and his chiefs to a shrine in one of the palace courtyards .
14 When Charles invited her to dine at Buckingham Palace the Parker-Bowles or his skiing companions Charles and Patti Palmer-Tomkinson were always present .
15 What we have here is an affirmation of the effectiveness of silence in the communication of absolute Truth , a fact fully understood by the Buddha and his followers .
17 In 1984 Kahane was elected to the Knesset as his party 's sole representative , but in October 1988 the Israeli Supreme Court upheld a decision taken by the central elections committee to ban Kach from competing in the forthcoming elections because of its " Nazi-like , un-democratic and racist " stance [ see p. 36947 ] .
18 Ryder RN , who had spent four days alone in the Atlantic after his Q-ship was sunk before she could bring her hidden guns into action .
19 During the practice , Prost had been impressed by both the McLaren and the Williams and his worst fears were confirmed as Senna pulled inexorably away and the multi-coloured Williams of Nigel Mansell began to move about in Prost 's mirrors .
20 In his answer , Gilmore also took up and dismissed as totally unfounded a claim which Paisley had made several weeks earlier in the Commons that his own life was in danger from government agents .
21 His marvellous personality in the Commons and his brilliant books confirm that . ’
22 It matters less and less as we move into an enjoyable account derived from a vocational puller-down of statues of the Shah and his father .
23 Every winter for years the popular illustrated paper of Europe had devoted great colour spreads to the Shah and his wife and four children on the ski slopes .
24 The Shah and his party , dressed against the wind , began to walk towards the plane .
25 Statues of the Shah and his father were torn to the ground ; newspapers with huge headlines " THE SHAH HAS GONE " were at once printed and distributed by the armload , to be enthusiastically seized and read .
26 In 1971 there was a sense of self-confidence about both the Shah and his government , But , as Persepolis itself showed , it was a mood that was beginning to degenerate into unreal arrogance .
27 The Shah and his party spent five days in Aswan .
28 She was so interested in the Shah and his family . "
29 In Cairo , exhausted by the traumas of recent weeks , she had been concerned not only about the Shah and his morale , but also about their four children who had gone ahead of them to the states .
30 There was also danger of assassination squads being sent to Morocco ; Iranian officials had begun to stay such things as that the Shah and his family would be " hunted down like Eichmann " .
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