Example sentences of "the [noun pl] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Drama is at one with the rituals , the pageants , the festivals and the processions and all the forms with which men and women celebrate .
2 He seems to want me to direct the rehearsals with him .
3 We continued unimpeded until I saw ahead of me the drawing-room where I had interviewed Mountbatten , and sitting on one of the sofas with his back to us the unmistakable profile and balding head of Prince Charles .
4 PUPILS at Darlington 's Polam Hall school are looking forward to packing in the crowds with their latest stage production My Fair Lady .
5 You really drew the crowds with your playing . ’
6 The NRPB favours a survey which includes comparison of the servicemen with their compatriots of the same age serving elsewhere .
7 What I 'm asking is that you should look at the accounts with your detective instincts on the alert and see if there 's anything that strikes you as odd about them . "
8 Politicians and administrators should clearly be interested in the effectiveness of the programmes with which they are most directly concerned .
9 Given the responsibilities the CNAA shouldered by virtue of its Charter , given its anxiety to ensure that its procedures safeguarded standards as fully as possible , and given the diversity of the institutions with which it had to deal , the CNAA moved cautiously in its discussions about relinquishing or reducing control over any aspects of the work its procedures were designed to monitor .
10 It was within the period 1650–1710 that the building of many stone houses took place and the galleries with them .
11 Police officers also tried to smother the flames with their jackets as Mr Griffiths lay next to his car .
12 As Shirley sped away , Heather seized a branch of a tree that was lying on the ground near and began to beat out the flames with it .
13 ‘ Lance prised them apart and smothered the flames with his coat .
14 Somehow I managed to cover her with my coat and put out the flames with my hands .
15 You only do it with those whom you know can take it , as Bill could take it , and as all the climbers with whom I grew up could take it , and hand it out .
16 Likely , over the next few years , there was this continued interest in the mines with nothing ever starting off .
17 But long before that , he and John and two chosen men would have planted the mines with their fuses .
18 As is well known , Dick Crossman , who did not always conform to the rules , had maintained a most complete — if not invariably accurate — account of the Cabinet meetings that he attended and the discussions with his colleagues .
19 It is this region beyond the senses which the mystics and the artists with their new schools of art are trying to describe or depict and which the scientists are trying to explain and understand .
20 The artists with whom his gallery was closely involved are Andy Goldsworthy , Hamish Fulton , Roger Ackling and Ian Hamilton Finlay , whose Wild Hawthorne Press material he presented at the Fruitmarket when it briefly reopened for last year 's Edinburgh Festival .
21 From 9 January to 10 February she has invited many of the artists with which she has been closely associated during those years to show .
22 Cows are going home in the lane there , looping the hedges with their warm wreaths of breath —
23 The cities with their canals and punctual trams are among the most pleasant and orderly in the world .
24 They were on the ramparts with you during the battle .
25 Thus a person who has no regular trading relations with the parties can provide the Reds with their ordinary requirement of food while remaining narrowly neutral , or refuse to sell them anything that improves their position and be comprehensively neutral .
26 Gill , voted the supporters ' player of the month before the game , settled the Reds with his first goal five minutes after the restart , knocking the ball in after Gerry Flynn 's shot had only been partially cleared .
27 So when the Jews arrived on board from a mainland where they had been despised , systematically humiliated and imprisoned , they discovered that although this ship was legally still part of Germany , flew the swastika and had large portraits of Hitler in its public rooms , the Germans with whom they had dealings were courteous , attentive and even obedient .
28 Klein fought the Germans with what he knew best — stamps .
29 In one house pulverized by a shell all that remained was a bust of Napoleon , arms folded and facing north as if defying the Germans with its stony glare .
30 But it is difficult to find a major summer festival that is not expensive and , for want of seats , exclusive to those with the will , the guile , or the contacts with which to acquire tickets .
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