Example sentences of "the [noun pl] here have " in BNC.

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1 He knows perfectly well what the rules here have to be . ’
2 The fans here have not seen much all season and now they 'll have smiles on their faces . ’
3 The books here have been collected entirely at random , as has been explained , but it is interesting to see that the arrival of the new media is reflected in some of them quite significantly .
4 That might plausibly be thought to take us no further than Wilde in Algiers in 1895 : ‘ The beggars here have profiles , so the problem of poverty is easily solved ’ ( Wilde , More Letters , 129 ) .
5 The transistors here have been replaced with BC108 types .
6 The plants here have a dense but high canopy of leaves over them during the summer ; so , apart from the odd shaft of sunlight , the conditions are overcast but not dark .
7 Many of the guests here have a religious interest , but they say that 's not the main attraction .
8 Moreover they will tend to be Catholics from just the sort of background the universities here have for years wished to see represented more adequately among students .
9 The streets bring back memories , though the buildings here have changed .
10 The trenches here have been left untouched , eroding away year by year .
11 Already the tenants here have seen their fuel bills reduced to about £7.00 per week for whole house heating and can now grow fruit instead of mushrooms and other varieties of fungus !
12 The fittings here have hardly been altered and there is a very special atomosphere .
13 The players here have jobs to do — and they 're not doing them .
14 All the girls here have lost either one or both parents . ’
15 Most of the ladies here have their own maids . ’
16 But clearly they prefer their English home , because all the females here have produced beautiful bouncing babies .
17 The guys here have all sorts of different pressures on them , not least at international level .
18 Indeed the number of police officers per thousand of population in the Thames Valley has not increased since nineeteen sixty eight , although demands on the police here have trebled .
19 I think speaking as another psychiatrist er the medical profession do have to look very carefully and perhaps how a lot of the damage has been done er with how women perceive whether they can ask for help or not because a lot of the women here have raised been giving tranquillizers and my colleague across there has pointed out that tranquillizers are not an appropriate way of treating depression .
20 The boys here have been over the area with a fine toothcomb , Frank .
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