Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] was " in BNC.

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31 So long as we looked upon the production of value and the value of the product of capital individually , the bodily form of the commodities produced was wholly immaterial for the analysis , whether it was machines , for instance , corn , or looking glasses .
32 One of the motives mentioned was the actual and expected levels of interest rates .
33 The Divisional Court said that this did not matter and was not caught by section 78 , which the judges stressed was concerned with no more than the narrow question of the effect of the police practice on the fairness of the proceedings in court .
34 The right of the blacks to vote was the focus of a campaign led by Martin Luther King in 1965 .
35 The scope of the evaluations undertaken was only possible through the use of perfused sleeve manometry of the UOS .
36 A petition of right to cover the duties paid was unsuccessful .
37 One of the pilots involved was Flg.Off .
38 The fusion of the figure and its surroundings on which the Italians insisted was something that the Cubists had already achieved , and although the Futurists went further and added that the painting must be a synthesis of things seen and things remembered , visible and invisible , this had very little effect on the means employed .
39 Delimitis erm Delimitis was the case of one which the commissions noticed was grounded erm , your Lordship of course has the right to seek information to the commission to seek erm information as to the status of the proceedings , whether the commission have any market reports which maybe useful and so on
40 She adds : ‘ You would n't castigate the British servicemen who appeared on the television during the Gulf war and said that whatever Saddam Hussein did was good and whatever the Allies did was bad .
41 An inspired guess was made that the failure of the seeds to germinate was because its seeds had not passed through the gut of the dodo ( Raphus cucullatus ) , extinct since 1681 .
42 One who had arrived there as the convulsions started was Charlton Heston who achieved almost instant stardom and became especially known for his appearances in the biblical epics .
43 The vast block of land over which the Merovingians ruled was essentially treated as two different units ; on the one hand there was the north and the east , that is the territories which had been controlled by the Franks before the " Vouillé " campaign , together with the Burgundian kingdom ; on the other there was Provence and the lands captured from the Visigoths .
44 What the psychologists showed was that stimulus elements in groups had properties not present in the individual elements .
45 All that the loyalists knew was that their very own Special Constabulary was going to be dismantled and that this had been one of NICRA 's long-standing demands .
46 And all the arsonists stole was £8 , from a tin containing the teachers tea money .
47 Amongst the buildings damaged was the Church Hall , where the deaf of Exeter met , and where the missioner had his offices .
48 The buildings had been demolished in the late 1960s , the goods shed was ‘ adorned ’ with a wooden lean to , the once extensive yard had been lifted and the solum was muddy , overgrown and derelict .
49 Most people thought he looked like a tramp with his habit of tying his trousers up with string , but the first thing that all the dancers noticed was that he had big , flat feet .
50 They set off through the drizzling rain , climbing the steep path up the rock which the monks said was popularly known as Arthur 's Seat .
51 The oddity which the fellow-curates remarked was that as he walked in the procession from the vestry up the aisle he could be heard whistling .
52 Among the topics discussed was the situation in Indo-China and Burma .
53 Amongst the topics discussed was the question of the repayment of Vietnam 's outstanding debt to Japan , estimated at some 30,000 million yen ( about US$240 million ) .
54 Among the topics discussed was the issue of the repayment of some DM47,000,000 ( about US$28,500,000 ) in loans granted to Mongolia by the former East German government .
55 Among the topics discussed was Italian credits to Russia .
56 One girl objected that practising getting the ‘ wrong answer ’ to the questions posed was rather silly .
57 The need for the movies to preach was very evident in some films but the vast majority of films reflected the styles and themes that movies people were working out for themselves in alliance with their audience as a whole .
58 The culture of the features used was overwhelmingly middle class and European : the cookery columns , for example , assumed the reader lived in a house with a gas or electric oven .
59 As society changed further , and especially as the political independence of the courts within which the poets worked was weakened and finally lost , the social relations changed again , and the literary organization became at once more specialized and more socially disconnected .
60 Among the items removed was a charred Christmas tree but fire officers refused to speculate on the cause of the blaze .
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