Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [adv] had " in BNC.

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1 Time- asymmetry thus implies that while the terrain was undergoing upheaval new types of animal arose through a feedback process , because they needed the land for further food , and because the waxing and waning ice-ages together with ( or as a result of ) the early breakup and reformation of the continents often had major and fatal consequences for marine and land faunas .
2 What little the labourers often had they sought to preserve , supported frequently by local tradesmen and small farmers who feared the end of their contracts with the parish overseers .
3 One day he reported that the defence had claimed that partisan warfare was contrary to the Hague Convention , that the Germans therefore had every right to take reprisals against the partisans , and that any excesses on their part were explained if not justified by their horror of what the partisans did .
4 But the Germans really had little to boast about ; they too had made a major blunder early on by concentrating on the construction of Zeppelins , and their maintenance of technical superiority during most of the war was almost entirely thanks to the brilliance of a twenty-five-year-old Dutchman , Tony Fokker .
5 He could not have been more misguided , for in the sector he had chosen to attack the Germans now had 43 divisions and the French only slightly more : a totally inadequate margin with which to launch an offensive .
6 And the birds probably had their origin in a particular group of dinosaurs .
7 One notable exception to the bland , sanitised image-building that marks many a sporting biography is Jonathan , the story of perhaps the most gifted Welsh fly-half the Lions never had .
8 In August , when the builders still had not started work , I decided to move in September , ready or not .
9 The employers clearly had strong reservations .
10 The Iranians already had a considerable religious heritage and it is difficult to decide how much of Zoroastrianism is due to the reforms introduced by Zarathustra .
11 Ulster 's Security Minister , John Cope says the teenagers only had to stop .
12 Maggie 's gaze was locked onto her younger sister 's agonized eyes , then the eyes too had gone .
13 The songs too had jokier titles : Down Where the Cross-Eyed Claras Grow , I 'm the Good Man that Was so Hard to Find .
14 The Norwegians certainly had the measure of this splendid music , each player contributing a full quota to a very relaxed and very rewarding performance , with only the damping effect of the Elmwood Hall 's heavy window curtains a minus factor .
15 The position of the pomeshchiks certainly had its own weaknesses .
16 Their owners were also beginning to notice what was going on and commented on the changes that were making their business more difficult , for the books often had no dispersal markings on them .
17 That it did n't cost England more dearly was due to the fact that the Scots simply had n't planned for such a generous return and were consequently playing the wrong strategy .
18 The plot in any ‘ Carry On ’ film was never terribly important , not when there were the opportunities to give words double meanings that even the scriptwriters sometimes had n't thought of .
19 Apart from the AS-4 Kitchen and the AS-6 Kingfish , both suitable for use with the Tu-22 and Tu-16 , the Iraqis also had a number of surface/surface systems , the Scud-B , the Frog-7 and the SS-12 .
20 The response of the defendants then had to be looked at .
21 At the end of the process , the 13 houses , once inhabited by 200 families , their numbers swollen to 1,000 people by transients who made their way in and slept on the stairways at night , were reduced to lodging 300 or 400 people in 108 rooms , only a quarter of whom were the original tenants , although the rents apparently had not been raised .
22 The plates still had some food on them but although I found some meat , it had a strange gloopy liquid on it so I gave it a miss .
23 The day 's individual performance came striker Gary MacDonald , who scored all four of his side 's goals in their 4–1 home win Blue Mark Outterside gave Blue Star the lead after six minutes , but the visitors then had Micky Robinson sent off for dangerous play .
24 The Elves now had a secure foothold to bring the rest of their army ashore .
25 The system of tripartisme ( three-party co-operation ) had survived the strains of devising a constitution and the elections to a National Assembly in November showed that stable government would continue to rely on the main parties working together : the Communists now had 29 per cent of the vote , the Christian Democrats 26 per cent and the Socialists 18 per cent .
26 The judges clearly had a predilection for this style , the Second Empire mode as Hitchcock calls it , as out of the total of fourteen prizes for the offices , seven were awarded to designs in this style , including the first and second in each class .
27 The judges now had to hear nearly as many applications as they heard appeals .
28 When first designated , the areas already had a population of 945,000 ; now they contain rather more than 2 millions .
29 Early the following morning a British soldier who had been in the orphanage was admitted to the hospital suffering from a high fever , so the carabinieri still had one English prisoner to guard .
30 He cites the example shown by Viscount Montgomery in World War N. Laing , who fought under the famous military leader , recalls that the troops always had great confidence in him because he was very visible .
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