Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 A testator who had instituted Sempronia and Maevia heirs to a tenth each of his estate and a foster-child to the remainder appointed a curator for his foster-child since he thought he could rightly do so .
2 In telephone conversations with BBC TV director Kevin Bishop , 43 , the prince requested a number of his own favourite acts and asked that the show should not , as is usual , overrun .
3 At one stage of his tour of the camp at Caister-on-Sea , the prince pinned a badge proclaiming ‘ Charlie Says Rave On ’ to his lapel , and seemed fascinated by the idea of all-night rave parties .
4 If , for example , the retailer required a supply of cards for Mother 's Day , they would be little use to him if they arrived afterwards .
5 This time the vet cut a V out of Biggles 's crippled leg bone and thought that might do the trick .
6 Clause 9A of the contract incorporated a restraint on competing activities during employment .
7 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
8 It was sufficient that the decision affected a person 's rights .
9 The expert agreed with the landlords , and the tenants applied to the court to have the decision declared a nullity .
10 Has the recession taken a toll on the ADAA ?
11 Also earlier this year the University formed a Managing Directors Club .
12 For example , last year alone , the University earned a total of four point nine million pounds from research grants and contracts , a figure which has risen despite the recession .
13 A structural appraisal of the building identified a number of potentially serious defects which could arise in the event of fire .
14 Thus when the user input a search term , a class number would be retrieved .
15 With revenue set at $1,169,000 million , the budget projected a deficit of $351,000 million .
16 The discovery in 1958 that sodium uptake and glucose uptake are coupled at the luminal surface of the intestine marked a turning point in the oral administration of electrolyte solutions .
18 Atrium A large hall , lit by an opening in the centre of the roof called a compluvium .
19 Things have not gone right this year for the colt dubbed a new ‘ Champion the Wonder Horse ’ after his last-to-first victory in the Breeders ' Cup Juve-nile 10 months ago .
20 While Ramsey was a canon the chapter appointed a new vicar ; and while Ramsey 's predecessor was bishop , a minority of the parishioners started to protest against the vicar 's innovations and were in a strong position because the vicar introduced certain ornaments without the necessary faculty to do so .
21 The eruption of the volcano buried a town , Akrotiri , which is thought to have had a population originally of about 30,000 .
22 The disapproving mother was the reason the actress called a halt to her liaison with actor Mithun Chakraborty a couple of years ago .
23 Why is the card called a Grizzled Skipper ?
24 Another entrepreneur establishing a sack-making factory with limited protection , may find a relative of the president given a licence to import freely the same product .
25 But the President held a referendum and won convincing support from South Africa 's whites .
26 The fighting cast a long shadow over the UN peace-keeping operation in Croatia , where the first infantry units arrived over the weekend .
27 It was fairly clean and pleasant and there was a paved bit at one end where the trees from behind the fence cast a bit of shade .
28 Has not the experiment proved a disaster for vast numbers of national health service patients ?
29 As with the Kabbaras in Rome , Jafaar 's involvement in Polar Cap for the DEA masked a deeper CIA interest in hiding its role as an arms supplier to Iraq .
30 Bashing one of my peers in the ring released a kind of spring inside me .
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