Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The coin looked as if the minter struck it on a single die , punching the image in the metal in repoussé , so hard that the inverted ear on the reverse would appear on the other side , and could be read the right way round in shallow relief when the coin was turned over .
2 Now 3 × £9 is £27 , if you add the £2 that the porter kept you have a total of £29 — so who 's got the missing £1 ?
3 That 's why , the morning the porter took me down to the forest , you sent Dame Catherine after me to see where we were going .
4 The porter gestured him over .
5 The carpenter looked at him , then at Benedicta and , throwing back his head , laughed hysterically until the porter struck him across the face .
6 They had missed breakfast but the porter brought them coffee and hot rolls in one of the small lounges , then rang for a taxi to take them to Royalbion House .
7 The porter brought me the message .
8 The porter joined them , scratching his thinning hair .
9 The response astounded us and delighted Durham County Cricket Club , who are backing the tournament .
10 The ferocity of the response hurt him deeply , although he could say , ‘ I told you so ’ with ICI 's announcement that it is to split into two to enhance shareholder value .
11 The Premier made it clear he was not being forced out .
12 Mrs Hughes , from Marske , Cleveland , was 108 when she had tea at No 10 with the then Prime Minister , Margaret Thatcher — and later she returned the compliment when the premier visited her home while in north-east England .
13 And from that Sunday the tent collapsed we could n't really concentrate on anything else .
14 I was bending my brains to think of a way of introducing Brian Harley into the conversation when the television monitor in the corner of the tent gave me the ideal opportunity .
15 Since 1964 six polytechnics and colleges have taken the opportunity afforded them by the Council for National Academic Awards to design and develop courses culminating in the C.N.A.A .
16 At the same time , the early Church had no compunction about modifying its own tenets and dogma in order to capitalise on the opportunity afforded it .
17 Most of the eagles in the Cages have forgotten , for they can not bear to remember , and because of that even if the opportunity came they would not be able to return to their homesites .
18 Mickie then and there decided that if the opportunity arose he would team up with Raoul on future helicopter design .
19 His assistant , Tony Rogers , added : ‘ We did apologise to passengers and the majority accepted it was a case of high spirits . ’
20 Of those whose ideal holiday differs from the kind they usually take , the majority said they would like to go further afield , for example , to Australia , the Far East , Asia or the US for four to six weeks .
21 Out of approximately one hundred prospective overseas students I spoke with , the majority said they had little intention of returning to China unless conditions improved in all aspects of life in the near future , but they were vague about what they would do overseas once their initial period of advanced education was complete .
22 Instead the majority said it was because there were simply not enough people in the family to increase their agricultural production .
23 I read the Blues Brothers review and the soundtrack gave me an idea : why not have a soundtrack chart in ZZAP ! ?
24 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
25 The thought had barely come and gone , and I was in the act of reaching out to replace the whisky bottle , when a long burst of electric-blue light from the aperture showed me something that froze me in mid-reach .
26 In addition , his setting out the poet 's connection with the primitive gave him the status of a societal elder , one who , lecturing in America , would pronounce on literature and society as Arnold had done less than fifty years before him .
27 Twenty-two out of these 29 said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care ; the remainder said they would like increased care at home .
28 When the Sutton route was replaced by trolleybuses , the remainder joined them at Brixton in December 1935 , but the contract with Cohens for their scrapping had already been signed on 12 October .
29 Home again , he shot off an urgent request to Theo for some Ingres paper that was not blindingly white — the whiteness hampered him — and stout enough to withstand his attacks on it with a reed pen .
30 One day an older woman who wore the veil cursed her and accused her of being loose .
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