Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun prp] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 It was constructed of raw red brick with yellow stone dressings , in a style that was no style , but something resembling public-house Jacobean and lavatory-gothic , with a Kubla Khan dome from the Prince Regent 's Brighton as a cultural stray added for good measure , and this cut one of the wooden gables in the most bizarre fashion .
2 Its jewel , albeit a controversial one , was the Prince Regent 's reconstruction of his modest coastal seat and its metamorphosis into the Royal Pavilion at the hands of John Nash in the decade after 1815 .
3 Brighton & Hove has a tradition of fine hotel-keeping and hospitality that goes back to the Prince Regent 's days .
4 It concerns the reaction of the Whig politician , Lord Brougham , to the Prince Regent 's sympathy for the House of Stewart .
5 In Brighton , the Prince Regent 's city , people do not go to bed early , and an observer would have noticed a small group of revellers making its way along the strand to the accompaniment of snatches of song and bursts of loud laughter .
6 IBM says the base PowerServer 's scalable asymmetric multiprocessing system , coupled with a maximum of 144Gb of disk and 384Mb of cache can serve workgroups of over 100 users .
7 Well for now let's go to another Charlton , soccer legend , Bobby Charlton , you heard him on Richard Rielly 's programme this afternoon , he 's coming to the area next Wednesday for the press launch of the Bobby Charlton Sports Day , which will be held at the Blackbird Ley 's leisure centre on the twenty fourth of April .
8 The weapon tore through the Chaos Lord 's body then through the chest of his standard bearer before coming to rest in the neck of a minotaur .
9 The woman had not looked like a prostitute , besides which had that been the case Fedorov 's driver should have been taking a walk along the quay , or just sitting gazing tactfully ahead .
10 After the case Tony 's sister , Carmel Mujico , 54 , said : ‘ She murdered a man who worshipped the ground she trod on .
11 One night they were all sitting round the same as usual , in the kitchen this time , Pete and Tommy and a friend of Tommy 's , they were sitting round drinking the whisky Tommy 's friend had brought over when they heard footsteps in the yard .
12 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
13 Despite the nationwide economic recession , at the time of the election Queensland 's tourism-driven economy was growing at a rate second only to that of mineral-rich Western Australia , with economic growth for the current fiscal year estimated at 4 per cent compared with 3 per cent for Australia as a whole .
14 Prior to the election Miyazawa 's position had improved through his successful enactment — with the support of the centrist Komeito ( Clean Government Party ) and the Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) — of the controversial Peace Keeping Operations ( PKO ) bill which allowed members of the Japanese Self Defence Forces to participate in overseas missions conducted under the auspices of the UN .
15 When they entered the kitchen May 's voice came from another room , calling , ‘ I 'll be there in a minute , Frank . ’
16 It 's hot in the kitchen , Bacon 's burning , now she 's used the same sort of thing , it 's hot in the kitchen Bacon 's burning , you too could use the play on words for the idea of bacon and burning and cooking and sizzling if you want to be really gruesome .
17 Now she has followed this up with her second book , The Kitchen God 's Wife ( Flamingo , £5.99 , published April 23 ) , which is as powerful and moving as the first .
18 As The Sunday Times said , ‘ When you finish The Kitchen God 's Wife , you will already be yearning for the next one , and the one after that . ’
19 We have 40 copies of The Kitchen God 's Wife to give away .
20 From the kitchen Jenny 's portable radio began to play a selection of brass-band music .
21 When she went back to the kitchen Penry 's tray stood on the counter , the plates satisfactorily empty .
22 ‘ My character 's part is actually bigger than that of the gamekeeper Mellor 's , in terms of words .
23 Dame Gillian Brown thanked the speakers with great enthusiasm , congratulated the Principal on ensuring the succession , and also thanked Patricia Hutchinson and Mary Keen for a successful meeting , and the University Womens ' Club ( worth joining even if it is known as Pussy Cat Hall by my irreverent 88 year old cousin , a St. Hugh 's gal ) gave us rather a good tea .
24 The £750,000 McDonald 's burger bar has been installed at the major London teaching hospital Guy 's with the slogan McDonald 's Is Good For You .
25 Though he prefers to call it the Hospice Coast to Coast , ramblers have already nicknamed the route Clapperton 's Way .
26 Joyce 's material supposedly unfolds in the dreaming mind of a Dublin publican ; the story O'Brien 's narrator tells concerns a publican who operates his imagination altogether more systematically , locking up his fictional characters ‘ so that he can keep an eye on them and see that there is no boozing ’ ( O'Brien 1939 and 1975 : 35 ) .
27 THE LMS locomotive will arrive in time for the West Somerset 's Spring Gala on May 1 and will stay until the Autumn Gala on September 19 .
28 Neil Jenkins will be fit to resume his season for East Wales , while Cardiff 's Adrian Davies , Stephen 's understudy against Australia , is likely to fit into the West Wales ' line up at the Llanelli stand off 's expense .
29 Then she raised her head and shouted loud enough to make the man on the other side of the river glance towards them , ‘ With every day they waste , ’ before adding in a murmur : ‘ The thread Sam 's life hangs by grows thinner and thinner . ’
30 Under cover of the noise Guy 's voice was a soft murmur in Isabel 's ear .
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