Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 Lord Sands in Reid 's Trustees v IRC ( 1929 ) 14 TC 512 at 527 explained that decision thus : The income never came into the coffers of the trustees , they never touched nor handled it .
2 The split apparently came after the fiery-tempered pair had a row about Tatum wanting to go back to acting — leaving McEnroe to look after the children while she makes movies .
3 But the economic implications of the change soon came home to roost .
4 Maxim was about to explain when the lieutenant obviously came to a snap judgment on his military value and slammed out again .
5 ‘ By tradition the money always comes in at the end .
6 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
7 The Canadian frequently came to the net , so Petchey had to rely on his passing shots , but not enough of them found the mark .
8 But the case never came to court .
9 The family brought every scrap of evidence or information they could find to the RUC , but that much prayed for breakthrough in the case never came .
10 The computer quickly came to the conclusion that , taking the IQ levels on my own planet into consideration , Einstein and Newton ‘ could n't find their bottoms with both hands and a flashlight . ’
11 This is where modern designs like the Thermatex really comes into their own , because they wick the moisture through and keep the horse warm while he 's drying .
12 The two parties will then exchange counter-offers , until one party accepts the counter-offer of the other , whereupon the contract then comes into existence .
13 Evidence that consumers are shaking off their spending caution after the election also came from the biggest credit information group , Infolink , which reported a rise in credit inquiries .
14 Before I landed Brookside I was washing up in a wine bar so the experience obviously came in handy for playing Chrissie . ’
15 Without another word she went back into the kitchen then came out to him , closed the front door after her without locking it and got into the car .
16 I mean the vicar usually comes for the pancake race does n't he ?
17 ‘ Nobody buys tickets for Box 5 , but the ghost always comes to it on opera nights . ’
18 As well as a soft-font installer utility , PageMaker 3.0 for the PC now comes with the basic Bitstream font library as standard .
19 The small green envelope with the harp generally came with news of sudden death .
20 The skin then comes off easily .
21 Her liaison with Wyatt continued apace until late in 1990 when the Duchess finally came under official pressure to cool it .
22 Experiencing a latter day revolution — the wheelbarrow now comes in many shapes and sizes , all finely tuned to suit your special needs .
23 Sartre took four years to respond , and when the reply eventually came even his most sympathetic admirers agreed that it did not succeed in answering the main criticisms .
24 and do n't forget first football action is on Goals Extra tomorrow tea time … the action now comes from as many as x different sports … its round-up time
25 How close to the string the hammer then comes depends on the energy the hammer retains after hitting the string , how much of that energy is absorbed by the material from which the hammer then rebounds and how much energy is otherwise lost , for instance through the friction at the hammer pivot or hinge .
26 The reasoning then comes through his narration of having an impairment .
27 From the enemy there came a sudden clamour of shouts .
28 The future always comes true .
29 Cos if you leave d go the cord straight away the cord just goes shooting up there , the weight inside comes down here and you lose the cord and you have to take the whole lot p t apart in order to get the thing to work again .
30 From the monastery above comes the deep bass peace of the great musical horns .
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