Example sentences of "the [noun sg] where the " in BNC.

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1 Note the defence where the accused can prove that his conduct was reasonable .
2 After the parade , along to the park where the speeches boomed from ancient public address systems to an audience more intent on its flasks of tea and sandwiches or , for the men , bottles of beer or whisky .
3 It involves lowering the existing lake in Albert Park , constructing a new one in the south eastern corner of the park where the children 's playground is at present , and diverting Marton West Beck into the new lake as a buried overflow pipe .
4 Yeah , it 's either the fence yeah , you know that white fence , either there or on the other side where those gold things are you know , or if we 're not there , go on the other side of the park where the other gold things are .
5 Then , looking up along the gully where the boar had been , Kalchu noticed a young boy leading his dog on a chain .
6 On the base where the dead men were stationed people say this is the saddest week in its history .
7 They went outside , Forster turning around with the set switched on , and finding the direction where the static was the strongest .
8 He could fly around , measuring the pheromonal concentrations , and then orient in the direction where the concentration increased ; or he could simply turn upwind .
9 Three hundred feet the down rose vertically in a stretch of no more than six hundred — a precipitous wall , from the thin belt of trees at the foot to the ridge where the steep flattened out .
10 This is presented to the board where the issues are discussed before the strategic statement is approved .
11 The snow-light filling the house with magic as the white flakes drifted down in the windless silence , the splendour where the sun came out and the hills and fields and trees sparkled under the arc of blue sky , the thought of the things one did in the snow , tobogganing and snowballing , and building a snowman : it was all ecstasy .
12 Snow White was the main feature at the cinema where the choc ice was eaten .
13 To Joseph 's delight the Resident Superior led his entourage to the very front of the audience chamber and the American boy found himself standing only a few feet away from the throne where the Emperor Khai Dinh , a slender , almost feminine figure , sat swathed in a golden robe of richly embroidered silk .
14 These Creole stretches are just those parts of the narrative where the customer himself and his actions are described : come in an' 'im b(h)u : : y , just thump " is fist down , jus ' take the bottle an' fling it at me , all of which have " the man " as subject .
15 SAVE 's solicitors argued that the House of Lords judgment ‘ extends to the case where the demolition , although not total , is sufficiently substantial to alter or remove the identity of the building ’ .
16 They have shown that , in the case where the Cauchy horizon corresponds to the inner Kerr horizon , the amplitude diverges towards the fold singularity which is thus a non-scalar curvature singularity .
17 This will be the case where the acquiring and target companies remain independent and the acquisition leads , or may lead , to a co-ordination of their competitive behaviour .
18 Exercise 6 suggests a method for dealing with the case where the LP is unbounded or infeasible at θ = 0 , but not for all values of 0 .
19 But this would not be the case where the trust assets were not exposed to the same risk that the other vendors accept .
20 This will also be the case where the shares are issued by a subsidiary incorporated in a jurisdiction where it can not avoid paying dividends or amounts in respect of redemption even if there are insufficient distributable profits , in which case funds would have to be provided by other group companies .
21 This was pre-eminently the case where the Area Boards were united in opposing the Central Authority or the Government ( as on the Clow differential ) , though Citrine was more willing to give in to such pressure on matters where he respected the Board Chairmen 's views , such as tariffs , than on matters where he was determined to impose his own , as in labour relations .
22 Third , although some comparison between my present experience and others is necessary for me to know what words to use in description , and although such comparison , especially in the case where the objects compared are a past and a present experience , is fallible ( since memory is fallible ) , still the comparison is not what I am trying to express when I try to express my beliefs about my present experience alone .
23 The case where the complainant had seen the assailant only once or on a few occasions before might well be treated as that of identification rather than recognition .
24 Thirdly , there is the case where the signer has been careless in not taking ordinary precautions against being deceived .
25 then went on to distinguish the case of a party ‘ deprived of his title as a result of a forged document which he did not execute ’ from the case where the party ‘ has been deprived as a result of a document which he himself executed , albeit under a mistake induced by fraud ’ and commented that ‘ when the court comes to exercise its discretion , different considerations may well apply . ’
26 For myself , I can see no relevant distinction between a case where a statute has conferred such final and conclusive jurisdiction and the case where the common law has for 300 years recognised that the visitor 's decision on questions of fact and law are final and conclusive and are not to be reviewed by the courts .
27 In the case where the start of the first index track searched has to be located before the search begins , a single-track index will require an average search time of R , but each additional track will again only add R/2 .
28 This was particularly the case where the occupational community provided him with a rural counter-culture that enabled class antagonisms to be sustained , albeit in a hidden form .
29 Trespass was obviously unsuitable to deal with the case where the owner had voluntarily put his goods into another 's possession and the other refused to re-deliver them , but this situation was covered by the remedy of detinue .
30 This is particularly the case where the speculator ’ sells on ’ options for each separate parcel of land forming the site and the developer is left to enter into formal contracts and legal completion for the purchase of the land in the usual way .
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