Example sentences of "the [noun sg] now [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The majority now believed that Bunker 's more realistic approach made more sense .
2 After the disastrous storms and floods of 1890 in which vast sections of Grisedale and Garsdale were washed away , bridges destroyed and people made homeless , the stone lip of the waterfall was found to have been destroyed completely by the force of the water , so much so that instead of falling from an overhanging shelf a majestic hundred feet on to the rocks below , the waterfall now raced down in a series of cascades .
3 The struggle now became more equal , for the churned , blood-stained mud affected both sides ; and both were short of food and ammunition , since their supply lines had been largely demolished by rival artillery fire .
4 Similar attitudes of troops of occupation of all ages and in all places , from South America to India , help us understand the revulsion now felt by many Britons , some of whom may have been sympathetic to Rome and hopeful of recognition of their natural rights and dignity .
5 Before he left he wrote to Routh suggesting that if some of the money now wasted utterly in relief works were instead put into interest-free loans to the Irish railways , a great deal of employment would follow , not only on the lines but in the trade they would stimulate .
6 This was because the field now included more subtle nasty strategies capable of preying ruthlessly upon such an out-and-out softy .
7 He prodded the saucer , where the coin now lay in a swirl of green colour .
8 It would probably be too slow to bring the hope now needed to avoid social unrest and possible collapse .
9 Between Sutton and Wallington , the route now proposed was to avoid the centre of Carshalton , by following new roads to the south , some of which were not yet constructed ; although this routing was opposed by some frontagers in Sutton , the company was assured the co-operation of the Carshalton Park Estate Company , who were developing the area at the time .
10 The napkin now weighed heavy as death in my hands .
11 The cottage now had a very real smell of poverty .
12 The chorus now had the task of moving the spectators to see , not an actor , but the visionary figure that the actor stood for .
13 Mr Peter Shuker , the principal , said the college now had links with France , Germany , Italy , Greece , Spain , Portugal , Denmark , Czechoslovakia and Hungary .
14 This new liability principle contained res ipsa loquitur provisions in accordance with which the carrier now had the burden of proving freedom from fault .
15 The struggle for the succession now lay more narrowly between Kikuyu claimants and Vice-president Moi .
16 Knowing Hurley , Coleman was pretty sure that the DIA now had a better grasp of what was going on at DEA Nicosia than the DEA itself .
17 With the approaching end of war in 1918 coalition became more positive because the coalition now had to deal with the issues that had been put aside for the duration , and more controversial because this pushed some Unionists into outright opposition .
18 With the addition of the two seats held by Moledet , the coalition now held 66 seats in the 120-member Knesset [ see p. 37872 for addition of four-member Agudat Yisrael to the coalition in November 1990 ] .
19 Without Tsomet the coalition now held 64 , as opposed to 66 , seats in the 120-member Knesset .
20 Without the two Moledet members and the three Tehiya members the coalition now held 59 seats in the 120-member Knesset [ see p. 38694 for departure of right-wing Tsomet Party from coalition in December 1991 ] .
21 The President now had no alternative but Federal action if the law was to be upheld , and he sent 1000 paratroops to occupy the school and its surroundings .
22 But the car now proved obedient , and the north-east London suburbs received her , soothing her as they usually but not invariably did with their eloquent monotony , their repetitive regularities , street after street of semi-detached houses , their lights lit , their curtains drawn , their television sets humming , their inhabitants safe within .
23 The defendant had argued that part of the land was exempt from tithes but an assistant tithe commissioner had denied this ; the defendant now asserted that the determination was an excess of jurisdiction .
24 The Club now had a new , more democratic constitution , achieved by much hard , tedious and thankless work on the part of some , and aided by a robust , vocal membership in general .
25 Consequently , the rule now laid down by the House of Lords is that where in construing a consolidation Act
26 Having argued in August that benefit extensions were unnecessary because the recession was over , the administration now backed a proposal by the Senate minority leader , Bob Dole , to extend benefits by 10 weeks .
27 To summarize , it seems that detectors which will go into continuous operation in the next few years have a strong chance of detecting a type II supernova in our Galaxy provided that the collapse is asymmetric to the degree now thought likely .
28 And the girl now flirted outrageously with Jacob , with Leo .
29 The sun now had a golden haze around it and the fields , the grass standing high and lush , were enjoying one last flurry of life before the frosts .
30 The committee now had a membership of 27 instead of the 26 previously .
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