Example sentences of "the [noun sg] 's going " in BNC.

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1 It 's to keep you invested in building societies , only they , they 're frantic because all the money 's going out and they want to keep their erm their erm deposits up , so they 're offering these schemes , and they are quite good , there are no charges as such , but er you 'll get the value of the fund that they 've made , or you 'll get a say two or three percent bonus per annum on top of the er share rate , er if you keep it for four or five years .
2 Your vector is , your vector 's which way the money 's going .
3 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
4 The photographer 's going and all .
5 The caterpillar 's going into the microphone !
6 However , if you feel the buyer 's going to present a business problem we show them the buyer 's guide and a business card so you can give them the buyer 's guide , explain what it 's for and then give them your business card and then that buyer 's guide to look for business card .
7 If you think the yacht 's going , give me a call . ’
8 The freezer 's going .
9 The champagne 's going on top of him !
10 It 's almost always about the sort of fringe things that happen in schools , the not strictly educational erm organisational matters about when to bring bits of equipment and which day the term 's going to finish , but very few schools put much into writing about how they teach maths , or what the children are going to be doing that term as a topic .
11 If you imagine the blood 's going round and you 're trying to get you know
12 Urgh the mind 's going .
13 This is where the action 's going to be .
14 And the bear 's going aargh !
15 The department 's going to hear about this for a long time . ’
16 Erm , do we know how big the department 's going to be , because that governs the salary ?
17 The only thing I 'd say , I , I would have expected perhaps I missed out on , on yesterday 's course , but I would perhaps have expected more emphasis to have been given to something that you mentioned , right at the end , was ‘ Find out how long the interview 's going to be ’ .
18 Testily she said : ‘ The car 's going in five minutes . ’
19 Come on , the car 's going slowly .
20 You 'd think , I mean , some people may not make as much mess as that , you 're just in , er like that in a car and the car 's going brurgh urgh urgh !
21 Phillip the tape 's going .
22 That 's where all the tape 's going Stuart .
23 The custard 's going
24 ‘ It 's alright , childer , the monster 's going away now , ’ said Nellie .
25 I do n't think it 's , the swe , the swelling 's going down at all do you ?
26 If you 're asking a civil engineer to do some work for you i if that civil engineer has a degree does it automatically mean that the work 's going to be perfect and wonderful ?
27 I 'd like that allowance to be related very much to how much everybody thinks the work 's going to be er , going to cost which is initially worked out by the estimator .
28 He remembers talking with Bruce Springstein once , at a Wembley concert for the Fourth of July , and asking : ‘ When do you think the bottom 's going to fall out ? ’
29 ROS : The sun 's going down .
30 ROS : The sun 's going down .
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