Example sentences of "the [noun sg] have come " in BNC.

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1 National liberation was the most important problem and the opportunity had come .
2 Now that the Regional Geophysics Group is part of TMOS , the opportunity has come to redesign parts of the Geophysics Core programme to integrate it more effectively with other activities .
3 Some Labour politicians continued to cling to their previous peace strategies but by the late 1930s the majority had come to accept that war was inevitable — a view confirmed by the events in Czechoslovakia , Austria and Poland which preceded the outbreak of the European war .
4 Against that , though , there is a ‘ vast contemporary repertoire — the guitar has come into its own in popularity in this period , and people are now writing for it with a vengeance .
5 The money for the suite has come from three sources — £35,000 under the Technology Enhancement Programme ( TEP ) organised by the Engineering Council , £20,000 from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation ( the Sainsbury family ) , and £15,000 from Stockport Council .
6 The Prince had come to know Van der Post in Kenya two years before , when he had been his guide on safari .
7 The prince had come over to London to be married — from the house of Anna 's sister who was settled there — he hated every minute of it .
8 The prince has come in for a lot of criticism from the UN and the West for spending most of the past few months in China .
9 Endorsement of the award has come from many sectors of industry , including Stirling Gallacher , chairman of Sutcliffe Services Group Limited , who says that people are the key to our current and future success as leading contract caterers .
10 Mr Nick Mitchell , the head of personnel for the signals and telecommunications section , said the board had come to certain conclusions about pay and conditions for its 7,000 S&T engineers after a review of manpower and reward systems .
11 The money had to come from somewhere , and while old newspapers might spawn new newspapers there was not , of course , any ‘ old ’ ITV .
12 Later it was revealed that the money had come from a different source .
13 No one knew where the money had come from .
14 Vlok said that the money had come from a fund established to combat international sanctions .
15 Within a year the fundraising campaign , which included selling note cards and T-shirts , had been completed , much of the money having come from local businesses and foundations .
16 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
17 The money has come the Government 's waiting list initiative .
18 The national assembly , up to only a certain period of time , according to the constitution , and then again the parliament has to come back again into the picture .
19 We 've had a good living out of it but if that same system has brought them on their feet , you know and built them nice homes er right they 've delved into Company 's House now , all the dirty water not dirty water all the whatsit has come up how much they 've drawn from these quarries .
20 The damage has come within yards of the boundary fence at one part of a 150 yard stretch .
21 Opposition to the ban had come from the traditional whaling countries of Norway , Iceland and Japan , joined by St Vincent and St Lucia .
22 The blanket had come unrolled and twice he brought himself down with it .
23 Charles Tompkins , managing director of NOS , a subsidiary of Cable & Wireless , said the contract has come as a major breakthrough for his company , propelling it into the major league of offshore suppliers .
24 the hour had gone and we could of stayed probably another half an hour without realizing that the hour had come
25 The election has come just in time to boost the Easter start of the housing market 's buying season .
26 The parlour had come on a long way since I was a boy .
27 The decision had come down in favour of illusion : the President 's dream of triumphant new diplomacy and the hostages home .
28 He cringed from that single revelation of himself and of his motive , even while knowing it was n't really true to his nature , that the instance had come , gone and never would return .
29 You rub your right hand on your left elbow and then move the hand to her ear to see if the coin has come back yet .
30 It looked as though the end of the trail had come for the tiger .
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