Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in i " in BNC.

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1 Were my friends in Cambridge to see the change in me I vow they would not believe it .
2 ‘ You 're bringing out the mule in me , Victor .
3 They cherish the good in me .
4 After a shaky start she quickly found her feet on ‘ Bring Out The Boogie In Me ’ where harmonica and sax entwined in a decidedly illicit manner .
5 No offence to Mr Unsworth , but the poet in me was rooting for ‘ Footprints ’ as the judge agonized .
6 A new sunrise always brings out the poet in me , even here in this Godawful town .
7 We should n't be imposing these ridiculous academic exercises on these children , said the progressive in me .
8 The queen in me , would have been poor , dear , dead Maria 's acerbic comment .
9 Are the banks simply though , trying to shift responsibility so you think , erm I I I think that the the sceptic in me would would say that they are trying to abnegate a certain amount of of responsibility .
10 Coming home to the lesbian in me , my joys and fears were of a different nature from those posed by continually having to straddle the mutually hostile worlds of lesbianism and heterosexuality .
11 I 've realized that this temperamental behaviour is the child in me not getting what I want .
12 The child in me dominates my personality — which has good and bad aspects — but I realize I need to explore and exert the adult and parent aspects of my character too .
13 ‘ I enjoy archery because it is a simple country sport , ’ he said , ‘ and I must admit it continues to bring out the child in me — I always enjoyed playing with bows and arrows when I was young ! ’
14 You deal death to the need in me to grow and change and become myself .
15 Or does it mean that you have somehow glimpsed the anguish in me , or even guessed at the cause ?
16 Cheaper than what you call it , the place in I 've got the price
17 Sensing the chill in me , Crilly eases me to the jukebox and presses a small bottle into my hand .
18 The cynic in me says it is because the larger firms do not do small audits and because abolition would cause problems for the ACCA , which would have more difficulty maintaining an audit regulatory presence as fewer of their members would be auditing .
19 It 's a matter of recognizing the anger in me on an everyday basis so that I do n't bottle it all up to the point of explosion .
20 I am sure I would have gone to the Crusades and done my bit , although that might just have been the racist in me or my natural desire to loot .
21 What photographer has n't heard of Picture Post — though I suppose the American in me world argue that all those magazines were imitators of Life . ’
22 The pondkeeper in me said : ‘ Fifty quid down at the aquatic centre ’ .
23 He implanted the thought in me , the thought of this woman with her handstand .
24 This may well be the man in me rather than the man of God . ’
25 I 'm directing his energy and he 's bringing out the humour in me , at last , which ca n't be a bad thing . ’
26 Had the kettle in me hand when it rang . "
27 ‘ What am I ? ’ she asked looking at Tumbleweed , and then began to recite in a sing-song voice , ‘ with a stick in me hand and a stone in me throat , I walk through the land in me shiny , red coat . ’
28 The coward in me hopes that Pendero gets beaten in an honest race this afternoon .
29 And I realize I been — that the animal in me , because , John , it 's a terrible world we 're living in , John , it 's a really crazy , awful world .
30 I have to learn to destroy the dissident in me .
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