Example sentences of "the [adv] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The relocations were to begin on July 21 with the return of Maronite Christians to more than 80 villages in the predominantly Druze Chouf mountains and the area east of Sidon .
2 The horsefly larvae use their two large jaws to capture the tiny toad and pull it down into the mud where they feed on its body fluids .
3 Even insects , which for the most part lay numerous tiny eggs , neatly packaged in tiny sculptured capsules , in one or two instances produce their young alive .
4 Those who had heard about major items of foreign news — such as the Amin coup in Uganda , the deaths of Nasser in Egypt and Nkrumah in Ghana , or the proposed resumption of British arms sales in South Africa — had for the most part received the news from the radio .
5 In all these examples the women worked away from home and for the most part received independent wages .
6 Windows for Dummies succeeds pretty well at this ; it tells you what you need to know , and for the most part keeps away from jargon .
7 The floors were for the most part tiled , large patterned tiles , not unattractive , but in need of thorough cleaning .
8 The latter are still for the most part wedded to the gesellschaft model — hence the crisis in legal ideology .
9 So far as English lawyers have theorized about the nature of corporate personality at all , they at one time for the most part accepted the doctrine of the Canon Law , that such personality is a mere fiction of the law with no basis in fact .
10 yet the breed is ideally suited to its rugged upland environment and for the most part remains unimproved — nor need it be .
11 He continued his travels , but for the most part lived quietly in Sussex .
12 Fen for the most part seemed absorbed in his own thoughts , which , judging by his expression , did not please him .
13 Russian agriculture in early NEP was an involuntary small-scale transport industry which for the most part lay far away from the railway lines .
14 Twenty-two athletes spend five days for the most part watching their teammates do all the work , and at the end of it all , everyone is quite happy to settle for a draw .
15 Protestants and Catholics certainly see themselves as different peoples with different histories , and for the most part maintain different cultural traditions .
16 These other approaches for the most part reflect a leading feature of most twentieth-century philosophy — the revolt against Absolute Idealism of the Hegelian type , with its tendency to downgrade the individual , the personal , and the historical in favour of the ideal and impersonal .
17 Although the speculations of a few Italian statesmen about the African shores of the Mediterranean hinted at the patterns of future international rivalry , the powers for the most part displayed in 1880 an almost complete preoccupation with European interests and lack of sensitivity about the rest of the world .
18 Innately more conservative than its urban counterpart , the rural community had not for the most part engaged in widespread and overt political protest in response to the strains that were placed upon it .
19 My view of the exhibition and these complementary texts is that they seem for the most part to lack the critical motivation and the dialectical irony of the Situationists .
20 So the rather heavy , stately movements of 2001 : A Space Odyssey to which the effects team of Kubrick himself , Wally Veevers , Douglas Trumbull , Con Pederson and Tom Howard were for the most part limited — except in the ‘ Stargate ’ section — by their simple , mechanical system ( no electronics , no computer for motion control or graphics ) were apt enough and perhaps fast enough .
21 For the most part sited high above the sea , it is climbable at all times and offers easy access .
22 This was met with such ferocious opposition by politicians , high ranking officers and public alike , that the government for the most part stepped down .
23 Teachers in this country are unaccustomed to operating in such a regulatory environment where the curriculum is concerned ; and local authorities have for the most part exerted little control over what is taught .
24 In the Variations and smaller pieces I questioned their fast tempo for little Maximiliane Brentano 's Allegretto ( WoO39 ) , and even for the minuet-like Scherzo of the early E flat Trio experiment ( WoO38 ) , while for the most part enjoying their wholly natural , unselfconscious approach to these works too .
25 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
26 The alternatives have for the most part consisted in elusive doctrines of " natural necessity " , causal " power " , " agency " or some kind of " logical connection " and in inexplicit declarations of the reality of causal necessitation .
27 The costumes were for the most part composed of homespun cloth of native dye , though now and again gay neckerchiefs — the manufacture of the south country — gave liveliness to the head ; while now and again a bright-coloured shawl was pinned across the shoulders of the women .
28 When formulating its eventual recommendations , the National Consultative Group will have to take into account two essential differences between agriculture and the rest of British industry : it is for the most part composed of relatively small-scale and highly efficient enterprises employing limited numbers of men and women working in relative isolation from one another ; and , as we have seen , the boundaries between the craftsman and technician in agriculture are shifting and difficult , if not impossible , to define .
29 Of the 26 legal parties , 17 ( including the PDCI ) fielded candidates , but the opposition parties for the most part lacked the finance and organization to launch national campaigns , so that in more than 40 constituencies there was no opposition challenger to the PDCI .
30 In Staffordshire the forest of Cannock had virtually ceased to exist by the end of Elizabeth 's reign , and in Kinver Forest only Iverley Hay remained in the hands of the Crown , and even there the deer had disappeared , and the woods for the most part had been cut down .
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