Example sentences of "the [adj] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 She was the nicest in these here .
2 " Today our plantations here have become the finest in all the Far East ! "
3 It was Maria Luigia who commissioned the building of the Teatro Regio , with its white and gold and red plush interior , and appointed Paganini , who had lived in Parma since the age of twelve , to be one of the directors of her orchestra , at that time the finest in all Italy .
4 Charles Lamb considered his imagery and knowledge and description of human life and manners the finest in any prose book in the English language .
5 This contrasts with Oxfordshire , which fared very well in the first period and very badly in the next two , and with Somerset , which had the smallest increase in the first period , followed by among the largest in each of the next two years .
6 Their journey was a battling retreat , one of the greatest in all military history .
7 Now in sporting legend the All Blacks take some beating … but when it comes to the greatest in any sport … there 's just one name … that 's Muhammed Ali … he 's over here at the moment and has made a surprise call on an Oxfordshire man reckoned to be his number one fan .
8 The wounded in these hospitals lived in terror of the periodical decoration parades ; because it had become a recognised custom to reward a man about to die with the Croix de Guerre .
9 The Mike Oldfield thing was the toughest in that respect .
10 His devotion bordered on the obsessive in some moods , as though he saw in her a woman she did n't even know herself , an ancient soul-mate .
11 The expectation that God would reward the righteous in this world ran parallel to the less attractive expectation that He would punish the unrighteous .
12 It was no coincidence that the majority of the French delegates were members of the little-known Le Societe Pereire , which sought to recognise Pereire as the first teacher of the deaf in that country — Pereire being a man who practised teaching by the oral method .
13 Hitherto , provision of adult deaf organisations had largely been confined to church services and other pastoral services , but in 1871 , a most important step was taken with the founding of Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Football Club , the first sports dub for the deaf in this country .
14 Before the BDDA annual conference of delegates we would have been willing to risk a small wager that by far the greater number of the deaf in this country found the word " dumb " obsolete , misleading , offensive and any other such adjective you care to mention .
15 The rich in these societies certainly became richer , on both measures .
16 It is because the rich in this city are in a club news travels fast between families .
17 The rich in this range always prefer private provision , so that their ranking is as shown in Fig. 10–5 .
18 Where now are the Bank 's commitments to the unemployed in this economy ?
19 This approach , if valid , would enable estimates of the burial history of the Palaeozoic in this region to be considerably improved .
20 A linear approximation can be made to the metric in these circumstances .
21 The metric in this region may be taken to be of the form ( 6.20 ) , but with the metric functions U , V , W and M all depending on u only .
22 So does he have a final message for the British in all of this ?
23 Amongst all these fugitives seeking to surrender to the British in those first few days were the two groups whose fate is the particular concern of this report .
24 The Americans were one jump ahead of the British in this .
25 While the Americans retained control of the warheads , the British in this instance enjoyed a definite power of veto over their use .
26 Mrs Tibbs was , beyond all dispute , the most tidy , fidgety , thrifty little personage that ever inhaled the smoke of London : and the house of Mrs Tibbs was , decidedly , the neatest in all Great Coram Street .
27 Each Spitfire had to be positioned on the flatbed in such a manner as to clear roadblock obstructions as well as overhead tramway cables encountered along the route .
28 This is an arranged marriage , one of the few in many centuries for this family that has gone wrong . ’
29 Stepping out on to grass she turned and knew that she was one of the few in all history and legend who could safely look a dragon in the eye .
30 But in terms of turnover in staff I would I would be fairly confident in saying we have the lowest one of the lowest if not the lowest in any direct sales operation .
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