Example sentences of "the [adj] way we " in BNC.

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1 Now that 's the normal way we think about things , and it makes a lot of sense .
2 In the usual way we 'd have gone to the morning room after dinner and sat awhile .
3 " This is n't the usual way we go .
4 Consider the different ways we can use a key : to open doors or containers or gates that have long been locked : " Are you sure you want to do this ?
5 The Turner Prize is therefore one of the few ways we have of acknowledging the contribution the visual arts play in our culture .
6 It is no longer the kiss of death to an actor ( watch this space ) , and it 's one of the few ways we have of paying the school fees on a regular basis .
7 Working womens ' organisations you get co-opted on and the , we were known for the way , the business-like way we run our meeting you know .
8 But in the ordinary way we should n't expect to , of course , he is n't a writing man .
9 There is cause for concern about the muddled way we think about the British ‘ constitution ’ ; there is even greater cause for concern about the political consequences of its nature .
10 Though shooting 's too good for them , if you ask me , we 're too soft in this country , we could do with a bit of Hitler here I think sometimes instead of the namby-pamby way we go on … . ’
11 The Welsh problem was the poor way we used the ball we received .
12 And to be honest , after the dreadful way we finished last season , we would have settled for being fifth from bottom right now .
13 Professor Davis noted that the industries which expanded before 1780 did not transform themselves in the dramatic way we have come to know as an industrial revolution .
14 The aim is simply to create discussion and debate about how kayaks work and the various ways we teach their use .
15 An object 's appearance is the first way we recognise where it comes from : a Volkswagen ‘ Beetle ’ is an instantly recognisable shape even if the VW badge has fallen off the car ; likewise we recognise a Rolls Royce .
16 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
17 I have to tell them that the only way we can meet our targets is an absolute freeze .
18 ‘ But the only way we can find that out will be to go and look at this mistletoe , and on the way you can tell me more about Miss Miggs . ’
19 Let us know that we are really alive and the only way we can do this is to live with ever growing joy and enthusiasm .
20 Ever since we entered the training video market , competitors have claimed the only way we can offer training videos for less than they can is because we do not bear the full cost of production , by sourcing products from broadcast programmes .
21 I wanted to run it because I thought it was the only way we stood a chance .
22 ‘ We had two old Marshalls that sounded great sometimes , but by the end of the record the only way we could get them to sound good was by taking them out of their cases and placing them on their sides in a certain temperature and a certain humidity — then they were great .
23 The only way we 're going to get anything changed in our lives is by fucking fighting for it as working-class people in solidarity , right ?
24 The MCC do n't have players for selection as such , so it 's the only way we can honourably make our protest . ’
25 So I would think that would probably be the only way we would protect ourselves if the threat did come … .
26 ‘ If there are book-keeping irregularities , then he has breached the Companies Act , which is where the DTI comes in and it 's the only way we can get rid of him .
27 We are married in the only way we can be married , believe me .
28 This was the second disappointment for my mother , who prided herself on her own intelligence and wanted her children to succeed academically , because she felt it would be the only way we could be successful in life , there being no money at home .
29 They made it clear the only way we 'd get out alive was by going on stage . ’
30 I never had a TV set until I bought one with my first lot of royalties and the only way we got the record player was because my dad won about £40 on the pools .
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