Example sentences of "the [adj] country ' " in BNC.

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31 At the end of the 14th round of the US-Soviet talks on Dec. 15 , the US ambassador to the UNCD , Max Friedersdorf , commented that the two countries ' positions were " fairly close together on most issues ' and that there was a good chance that a chemical weapons treaty would be signed within two years .
32 At a banquet hosted by Yang Shangkun on Nov. 1 Nixon described the June crackdown as " excessive and unjustified " , saying that it had damaged US respect and confidence in the Chinese leadership and , speaking to Li Peng , he argued that the two countries ' differences over the events in June were " huge and unbridgeable " , but that Sino-US relations should not be allowed to founder over the issue .
33 The new National Front government 's foreign policy objectives , as outlined in the President 's address on Dec. 20 , 1989 , were for a strengthening of links with India 's neighbours and co-operation through the medium of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ( SAARC ) , continued dialogue with China leading to a resolution of the two countries ' border dispute , development of the traditional friendship with the Soviet Union and of a new relationship with the United States , and economic co-operation with Japan and the European Communities ( EC ) .
34 The two countries ' Foreign Ministers had been presented with the proposals by Pérez de Cuéllar at the ninth Non-aligned Movement ( NAM ) summit earlier in the month [ see p. 36907 ] .
35 A breakthrough occurred at the funeral of the Japanese Emperor Hirohito in February 1989 when Suharto held talks with Qian , and the two countries ' respective UN missions as a consequence began normalization talks [ see pp. 36462 ; 36935 ; 37124 ; 37578 ] .
36 Talks were also held between the two countries ' Foreign Ministers , who discussed the Cambodian question , and between the Ministers of Economic Relations and Trade .
37 The Washington Post of Feb. 12 reported that Arens made a request for greater US-Israeli co-ordination , including sharing of so-called " friend-or-foe " recognition codes to avoid conflict between the two countries ' military aircraft in the event of Israel entering the conflict .
38 In her 15-minute speech she spoke of the two countries ' shared ideals , including democracy , stability and a rejection of the power which " grows from the barrel of a gun " .
39 Commentators noted that the collapse of communist power in the Soviet Union , following the August coup attempt there [ see pp. 38368-73 ] , had hastened the two countries ' moves towards normalization .
40 Yeltsin made an official visit to Italy on Dec. 19-20 , signing with the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti a joint declaration establishing the basis for the two countries ' relationship .
41 The Chairman of Vietnam 's Council of Ministers , Senior Gen. Vo Van Kiet , hailed the visit as an " important event " in the normalization of the two countries ' relations .
42 The impasse on how to ratify and implement the treaty was resolved in May in a series of bilateral negotiations between the USA on the one hand and Ukraine and Kazakhstan on the other , during which time the two countries ' Presidents , Leonid Kravchuk and Nursultan Nazarbayev , visited Washington .
43 A package of economic documents was signed by the two countries ' Premiers on Oct. 22 , in addition to a protocol on the reduction of inter-republican enterprise debt .
44 In a speech delivered on Nov. 16 Zhu indicated that China was fully prepared to link its dispute with the UK over Hong Kong with the two countries ' future economic relations .
45 The way in which the crisis of 1839 – 41 was resolved persuaded him that Britain might welcome an exploration of the two countries ' thoughts on the future of the Near East .
46 He also believed , first , that France was unlikely to be able to secure an alliance with Britain ( because of the two countries ' disagreement about the Near East in 1840 ) ; second , that Britain might support Russia in the event of a Russian attack on the Ottoman Empire ( because of the Anglo-Russian discussions which had taken place in London in 1844 ) ; and third , that in any event he could count on the support of Austria ( because of the assistance he had rendered Vienna in putting down the Hungarians in 1849 ) .
47 The two countries ' joint forestry committee has called for retaliatory action , including a ban on imports of certain EC products , to be taken by the forthcoming meeting of economic ministers of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
48 The two countries ' governments have also promoted integrated pest management policies , helping farmers to apply pesticides only when necessary and reducing waste .
49 Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has issued a certification stating that the two countries ' trade in such items diminishes the effectiveness of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) .
50 But by combining SkottiS — an exchange planned by the two countries ' Music Information Centres — the scale of this year 's festivities was unprecedented .
51 BRITAIN was facing up to working with America 's Oxford University-educated President this morning , amid expectation the two countries ' ’ special relationship ’ will continue under the new administration .
52 Detecting a weakening of international resolve on sanctions , Mandela responded angrily to the Western countries ' positions .
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