Example sentences of "the [adj] hand this " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand this provides an excellent opportunity for the group to tap into a wide diversity of views .
2 On the one hand this is easy , not to say natural , but the ride can become fraught with contradictions and potholes , such as what to do about Section 28 .
3 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
4 On the one hand this can be attributed to an unwillingness by politicians to provide for a greater disclosure of information .
5 On the one hand this might lessen the load of dementia on local authority care .
6 Yet , on the one hand this contradiction has been hidden by privileging Gregory 's comments and neglecting the importance of the Epistulae Austrasiacae and the writings of Venantius Fortunatus ; on the other , it has been explained by the apparent lack of educational opportunities available to Gregory in the households of Nicetius and Avitus .
7 On the other hand this skulking novelist told himself in a notebook , as we recall , ‘ I am a character ’ ; and there is every reason why the narrating ‘ I ’ of The Possessed should be perfectly visible .
8 On the other hand this is exactly the state of mind in which he loves to revel .
9 But on the other hand this hostility to the new God was not an original reaction either ; it had its prototype in a hostile impulse against his father , which had come into existence under the influence of the anxiety-dream [ concerning wolves and mentioned earlier in the analysis ] , and it was at bottom only a revival of that impulse .
10 On the other hand this proof seems to have little aesthetic merit .
11 On the other hand this does not mean that everything , including the most specifically artistic and most specifically aesthetic processes , has to be dissolved into some indiscriminate general social or cultural practice .
12 But on the other hand this helps avoid the pitfall of showing people with AIDS as passive , somehow guilty victims .
13 On the other hand this was also the year when the British government had reluctantly bowed to American pressure and agreed to the establishment of a base in the Holy Loch in the west of Scotland for American Polaris submarines .
14 On the other hand this meted out only a very rough justice to owners .
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