Example sentences of "the [adj] [adj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Colonel Edward Akroyd , the Liberal MP for Huddersfield , had in 1856 commissioned Scott to design the stately Gothic All Souls ' Church at Haley Hill , near Halifax , and the abortive Gothic scheme for Halifax Town Hall .
2 Furthermore , G– is the largest possible such tree .
3 It is killing on both sides , Mr Gibson 's death is the fifty first this year , lives taken , families destroyed .
4 The Blues Band , The Anthony Kerr Quartet , Terry Lightfoot And His Band , Barbara Dennerlein , Peanuts Huckg and the Anglo American All Stars , The Henry McCullough Band , Sheila Jordan , Claudio Roditi and The Bill mays Trio are just some of the acts who will be raising temperatures in clubs like The Guinness Spot throughout the festival .
5 Peanuts Hucko and the Anglo American All Stars
6 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
7 I was sitting at the back of the 17th green at the Scottish Open this year watching the action .
8 As I said , I have secured increased expenditure next year for another 1,000 uniformed police officers , in addition to the further 600 this year .
9 By the mid-nineteen fifties many Orcadians had begun the task of modernizing their homes by building new ones a process which over the past three decades seems to have gone on with ever increasing frenzy .
10 It was the high fives that did it .
11 ‘ I just missed everything , ’ moaned Ivanisevic , who crashed 6-3 , 7-6 , 7-6 to a clay court specialist who also beat him at the French Open this year .
12 ‘ I just missed everything , ’ moaned Ivanisevic , who crashed 6-3 , 7-6 , 7-6 to a clay court specialist who also beat him at the French Open this year .
13 It discounts the few 41s that might be around as non-production units .
14 Of these 123 , a full interview was obtained with l04 principal carers at the time of the patient 's referral to the project ( six carers refused to be interviewed , and it was not possible to interview a further nine for reasons such as the carer 's ill health or death or because the patient and carer soon moved out of the area ; for the remaining four some information was obtained by telephone ) .
15 Sacambambaspis and several other recently discovered well preserved heterostracans from the Silurian of the North West Territories and the Canadian Arctic all show perfectly symmetrical tails .
16 Since the nineteen fifties each base has had a side .
17 It was in the early 1960s that , parallel to its growing emphasis on the ‘ disturbing activities ’ of working-class youth , the media also began to focus on minor incidents of soccer crowd violence .
18 In the early 1960s many of these groups had the basic financial strength and business experience to move into manufacturing .
19 They aspired towards the Chelsea shore , where , in the early 1960s many thousands lived with sensible occupations and adequate amounts of money .
20 In the early 1960s this new attitude was clearly demonstrated in the appointment of Robert McNamara , the director of the Ford Motor Company , to the post of Secretary of the Department of Defence .
21 Until the early 1960s these beliefs were not seriously tested and differences of theory appear as shades of a fairly narrow spectrum .
22 During the early 1820s several Spanish colonies in South America were in a state of revolt .
23 Until 1861 a man could hang for engaging in homosexual relations , and as recently as the early 1970s many doctors still regarded homosexuality as an illness to be treated by electric shock therapy .
24 In the early 1970s that committee was , in one officer 's words , ‘ a committee waiting for a job ’ .
25 In the early 1970s this kind of teaching enjoyed some clear official blessing , especially during Shirley Williams ' tenure at the Department of Education and Science .
26 In the early 1970s this led Weiskrantz and Warrington ( see Parkin 1987 ) to argue that the human deficit was not a failure of memory as such but a deficit in retrieval brought about by undue interference from incorrect items at the time of recall .
27 In the early 1970s these two services together broadcast 240 hours per week in seven Zambian languages and English .
28 In the early 1970s some of these movements began to decline or were suppressed , but others continued to flourish .
29 So in the early 1920s some people conjectured that it may be possible that helium — element number two in the periodic table of the elements — could be built from two hydrogen atoms .
30 His chief inspiration came from Christopher Wren , and by the early 1900s this influence in Lutyens 's work was paramount : he called it his ‘ Wrenaissance ’ .
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