Example sentences of "the [noun] [indef pn] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 She had chosen three hymns : ‘ Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth ’ , ‘ Ye Holy Angels Bright ’ and ‘ Now Thank We All Our God ’ .
2 It is the trick one uses to make one 's own answer seem to come from the child .
3 If one asks the further question , were the King 's actions wise ? , one 's answer is likely to be all too heavily conditioned by hindsight , by the views one takes of the later politics of the 1930s , of the restoration of a two-party system , and of the decline of the Liberal Party .
4 A basic concern for wholeness ( a ) to be able and willing to reflect in depth about the totality of life 's experience and the views one comes across .
5 Most of the reactions one learns about in elementary courses in chemistry , and also most of the reactions shown in a chart of metabolism , require the forming and breaking of ‘ covalent ’ bonds .
6 When one studies the literature one finds that , surprising as it may seem , the weight of legal opinion is in favour of the second view ; and it is not even clear what is the proper legal means that the Crown should use to establish misbehaviour before dismissing a judge .
7 Such a process may be comparable to the experience one has when switching on the radio in the middle of a discussion programme and trying to understand the discussion through a partial reconstruction of what must have been said already , who the participants must be , and so on .
8 This transition the train goes through is like the experience one has when watching a train embark on a voyage oneself .
9 I am acutely conscious that I have been a source of aggravation to Pa recently over my stupid allergy to vegetables ; it can not be pleasant to see the products one has slaved over summer and winter being regurgitated on to the dinner plate of one 's elder child .
10 Now light , presumably erm one of the reasons one chooses a light year as a unit or a distance is because it 's a convenient number , but also presumably because it does n't change very much with any physical factor .
11 Now for a round up of the division one matches played this afternoon , and the details of the England France Rugby Union International , here 's Jerome Sale .
12 Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study .
13 It 's the recession nobody has any money for that kind of thing …
14 To some extent this can be seen as a matter of political temperament determining which side of the coin one emphasizes .
15 Secondly the operating environment must allow simple and effective data transfer between programs , this is standard on an Apple Macintosh but on the PC one needs software such as GEM or Windows to achieve it .
16 To choose to study ‘ arts ’ rather than ‘ science ’ is to make a statement about the values one considers important .
17 Furthermore the way one sees things , and the values one holds , are not an individualist matter , but something that is shared with other people in a society .
18 Then someone decides on a set to suit the play someone brings the props and suddenly , there it is ’ — he waved a hand — ‘ dinner for two ; it 's magic . ’
19 In calculating whether there has been a reduction in the estate of the transferor one ignores the value of any excluded property which ceases to form part of the transferor 's estate as a result of the transfer ( excluded property includes property situated outside the United Kingdom where the person beneficially entitled to it is an individual domiciled outside the United Kingdom ) .
20 He experiences something whose reality can not be denied , whatever the term one attaches to it .
21 Between ( e ) and ( g ) there is a range of behaviour not fully illustrated by a still picture such as ( f ) , which looks like a superposition of ( e ) and ( g ) : if one watches the oscilloscope one sees the picture alternating randomly between the chaotic pattern and the ordered one .
22 As for the less specific objections to the Prague School , the weight one attaches to them will depend very much on one 's own theoretical position .
23 Showing the pzazz one expects from a descendant of the Victorian prime minister , he hired a room in the Zhovtnevy Hotel and invited some friendly locals .
24 His rehabilitation — from the leader they could not wait to get rid of because he represented high taxes , inflation and military failure ( over Iran ) , to the president everyone loves to cite as the model elder statesman -has been remarkable .
25 Out in the auditorium everything has to be checked every day for safety and there 's a non-stop maintenance programme because the show must always go on .
26 Whether they would have been swayed by representations on behalf of any of the parties one knows not , but it is a defect in the proceedings which strengthens the application on the part of the local authority for reconsideration of the justices ' decision .
27 Diana in Private : The Princess Nobody Knows by Lady Colin Campbell Smith Gryphon , £15.99 DIANA IN PRIVATE is a nasty little book .
28 Sub-titled The Princess Nobody Knows , it is intended to reveal all about the Princess of Wales but , instead , reveals a great deal about the author , a woman of monumental snobbery and a rare talent for bitchy innuendo .
29 But he decided to break his silence following the row over her best-seller , Diana In Private — The Princess Nobody Knows .
30 ‘ All the shopping one has to do !
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