Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The opening words of the angel form the beginning of the prayer called the ‘ Hail Mary ’ .
2 A testator who had instituted Sempronia and Maevia heirs to a tenth each of his estate and a foster-child to the remainder appointed a curator for his foster-child since he thought he could rightly do so .
3 Situated below a hill between the valleys of the Ribble and Eden the bore marked the determination of the LMS to refuse to be beaten by obstacles that could be over-come by sheer practical means .
4 When the boy told him how the police had made the arrests , the Prince called the division commander , whose men had arrested the twenty-four , to listen to what the boy had to say .
5 In telephone conversations with BBC TV director Kevin Bishop , 43 , the prince requested a number of his own favourite acts and asked that the show should not , as is usual , overrun .
6 At one stage of his tour of the camp at Caister-on-Sea , the prince pinned a badge proclaiming ‘ Charlie Says Rave On ’ to his lapel , and seemed fascinated by the idea of all-night rave parties .
7 The support given the previous day to German neo-Nazis in two regional elections there was the starting point for his attack on PR ; a first-past-the-post system and stringent policies on asylum and immigration were preventing an extreme-right emergence in Britain , so he argued .
8 As the Boeing 767 diverted to Bermuda after leaving Puerto Rico , the GP treated the 54-year-old heart attack victim on the floor of the holiday jet .
9 It was alleged that the retailer committed an offence under section 1 by selling bars of chocolate bearing the misleading label ‘ Extra value ’ and that this was due to the act or default of the defendants , the manufacturers .
10 If , for example , the retailer required a supply of cards for Mother 's Day , they would be little use to him if they arrived afterwards .
11 A draft lease recently shown to the writer required the tenants to decorate the outside of a modern factory in the following terms :
12 In what the book called ‘ the Lebanon district ’ — for Lebanon would not be a separate independent state for another half century — the writer identified the various religious communities which inhabited the land : Sunni and Shia Muslims , the Druze , the Maronite Christians , Greek Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christians .
13 Following consultations with the British Speedway Promoters ' Association , the Board overruled the decision , made by officials at Exeter , because they believed it to be unfair .
14 Has the board raised the money to pay for the reinstallation ?
15 Where in the authorities difficulty has arisen this has often been the result of the introduction of an issue whether the creditor appointed the debtor as its agent to obtain the signature of the surety to the charge upon which the creditor sought to rely .
16 Coinciding as it did with Alan 's trainee appointment to the firm of Lark and Clarkson , Architects , back in the city where he was born , the money marked the beginning of a new era in Alan and Carolyn 's married life .
17 He thought of his vantage-point and the view through the scope ; he thought of the way the cross-hairs quartered the scene , seeming to draw a victim on to the crux , dead-centre .
18 I eventually solved the problem by two small blobs of hot stick glue which temporarily glued the component to a scrap piece of wood , dimensioned so that the component overhung the scrap all around .
19 As with the original trial , a central aspect of the case involved the extent to which the assault allegations of the children involved had been induced by social workers involved in the case .
20 He said that he intended to lead an internal political current within the UCR called the " Movement for the Defence of the Principles of Social Democracy " .
21 This time the vet cut a V out of Biggles 's crippled leg bone and thought that might do the trick .
22 Dresser/Harris/Kirk/Saunt took 10th place as the Germans achieved a final win .
23 The er the Germans bombed the monastery .
24 The new papers , available on microfilm , were rescued from Joyce 's apartment in the Rue des Vignes in Paris in September 1940 , after he and his family fled before the Germans occupied the city .
25 He gave the Clerk of the Court his name and that of the person he was suing whom the clerk called the defendant .
26 My father always used to do that for his crocuses because the birds loved the yellow ones , do n't they ?
27 Clause 9A of the contract incorporated a restraint on competing activities during employment .
28 When the householders learned that the completion of the contract marked the start of Ron 's retirement after 35 years , they clubbed together to buy him a carriage clock and bottle of whisky as a thank you gift to remember them by .
29 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
30 It was sufficient that the decision affected a person 's rights .
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