Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun prp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When I left the Falkland Islands there were signs that summer there was drawing to a close .
2 However , exemptions were made for Gibraltarians and residents of the Falkland Islands who can become British citizens .
3 In the little garden of the Hof Arents she stopped to admire the modern sculptures of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when a voice behind her said , ‘ Merrill — Merrill Stanton … !
4 Frank confirmed that as a boy visiting relatives in the region there had been many of the old ships still about , so Brian and I decided we 'd go there , then sail down the US coast to the Caribbean , through the Panama Canal and head west to the Revillagigedo Islands which Brian had decided were his .
5 He was an aide to the Prince Regent who had resolutely refused to lose his services , but Henry Paget , Earl of Uxbridge , who was another crony of the Prince and who also commanded Britain 's cavalry , had successfully persuaded the Prince to give Lord John his chance .
6 How has a Montpellier fishwife so mastered the art of composition that with her basket of fish for the bouillabaisse she is presenting a picture of such splendour that instead of going to look at the famous collection of paintings in the Musée Fabre you drive off as fast as possible to the coast to order a dish cooked with just such fish ?
7 Around one quarter of Rodin 's work was unpublished when he died and the casts and moulds became the property of the Musée Rodin which also inherited property rights and ‘ Le droit moral ’ , the right under French law to defend an artist 's reputation .
8 When he reached the corner of the Whitechapel Road he was n't sure he had come to the right place .
9 Braithwaite , the Reverend T.E.O. She 'd seen , she averred , Amy , or anyway her car , coming down the Julians ' drive at about ten-thirty on Friday night .
10 Remembered as a son of the King Cenberht who had been a co-ruler of the western Saxons with Cenwealh before his death in the 660s ( see above , p. 49 ) , he may have been as much a victim of the impact of earlier Mercian expansion under Wulfhere as of internal strife .
11 It was recorded in shallow water ( 20–55 m ) from the Gulf of Guinea ( Madsen , 1970 ) while in the South Atlantic from Gough I. In the Indian Ocean it has been collected from the Gulf of Aden at depths of 655–732 m and from the Philippine area of the West Pacific .
12 For some , it may serve as a reminder of the Kingsley Amis who once unambiguously remarked , in the course of a berating of Philip Roth , that ‘ Jewish jokes are not funny ’ .
13 In the Palazzo Pubblico they saw Martini 's cavalier , dressed in the same golden , diamond-patterned cloak as his horse .
14 The theatre of La Scala was completed by 1778 by Giuseppe Piermarini following the decision by City Governor Ferdinand Hapsburg not to rebuild the theatre in the Palazzo Reale which had just burned down for the third time .
15 At the Palazzo Reale there is a forceful competition for attention between seventeenth-century paintings on display and the highly distinctive interiors designed by Pelagio Pelagi in the nineteenth century , although a much more satisfactory integration has been achieved in other parts of the palace , especially in the Galleria degli Specchi , designed by Domenico Parodi around 1730 , which complements the exhibition of large canvases by Gregorio De Ferrari and Domenico Piola .
16 This was the William Joyce who mattered — the man who moved thousands to cheer his own version of the ‘ final solution ’ — not the political slapstick of Lord Haw-Haw for which he was put to death .
17 He is presumed to have been the William Hickey whose death was recorded in London 31 May 1830 .
18 Well I would n't mind the Victoria Wood one .
19 It spans the Laxford River which comes down from a string of lochs alongside the Lairg road and is notable for salmon fishing .
20 Start from the layby next to the Dundonnell River which is two and a half miles south of Dundonnell on the A832 .
22 And for the Ascension Day we have leaving , promise , command , glory , peace , question , waiting , expectation .
23 Most of the places he saw were uninhabitable , or required a permit from the Office of Works to make them less so , but a friend of John Hayward told him of some rooms in Carlyle Mansions , a Victorian apartment building along the Chelsea Embankment which looks out over the Thames .
24 Nobody is identified , but I would bet he is Horace Hutchinson , son of the Colonel Hutchinson who was among the founders .
25 Easily Accessible : The village of Raskelf is a rural community lying at the northern end of the Vale of York , a few miles from the Hambleton Hills which form the southern edge of the North York Moors .
26 The banker who is leaving the casket to the State for display at Versailles by means of a dation , the payment of death duties in kind , refused to comment about his intentions for the van Gogh which Paris 's nineteenth-century Orsay Museum is keen on acquiring .
27 Bronze easting of Thor the thunder God who was worshipped extensively in northern Europe at the time of Charlemagne 's enforced military evangelism .
28 Not the Ka de We on the corner .
29 As soon as we left Florence and crossed the Tennessee River we passed from Lauderdale , a dry county , to Colbert , a wet one , and the difference was plainly visible : a sudden array of beerstands and gaudy neon nightclubs flickering past made Sheffield a sort of Baghdad next to the more prim outposts in Florence , the birthplace of W C Handy , and a bastion of respectability .
30 From the first moments , when my brothers and I stood there incredulous as Blyth screamed and jumped and tugged at his leg , to the tearful farewell of Blyth 's parents and Diggs taking statements ( a bit even appeared in the Inverness Courier which was picked up for its curiosity value by a couple of the Fleet Street rags ) , not one person even suggested that it might have been anything other than a tragic and slightly macabre accident .
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