Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 For example , in 1977 the Revd Ken Elliott , the Free Presbyterian minister of Portadown , offended many Apprentice Boys by refusing to take a collection for the restoration of the St Columb 's Church of Ireland Cathedral in Londonderry , which is regarded by the Apprentice Boys as their spiritual home .
2 In the sixth edition §248 Hahnemann describes the daily succussion of the LM solutions as : ‘ altering and slightly increasing the degree of potency ’ suggesting a gradual almost exponential curve of increasing potency which never actually reaches the next degree until a further dilution step in taken .
3 I planned to make one chair as a trial piece , and , if it looked right , to do a real run of six , using the trial pieces as ‘ templates ’ .
4 The only proposal that even remotely echoes the spirit of that full employment act is the $35-billion urban rescue package urged by big-city mayors before the LA riots as a way to combat recession , and now being pushed with fresh ardour by Boston 's mayor , Ray Flynn , Governor Jerry Brown and the Congressional Black Caucus .
5 It is therefore possible to see movements in interest rates in the money markets as a whole in advance of changes led by the Bank of England .
6 On Nov. 16 the Afghanistan government welcomed the Moscow talks as part of the continuing efforts by the UN , the Soviet Union and the United States to resolve the Afghan issue .
7 Observers interpreted the low turn-out of 54 per cent in the March elections as the rejection by a large part of the electorate of ZANU-PF intentions to abolish the multiparty system .
8 Moves towards unity within the branch , and towards federation within the printing trades as a whole , strengthened the resolve of the Edinburgh compositors .
9 A special report presented to the LDC meeting claimed that signatory countries had failed to " generate a public image of the LDC treaties as a positive mechanism for the preservation of environmental health " and called on the LDC to " take more aggressive actions to address marine pollution issues of a global nature " .
10 Taking the election results as his guide , he should decide on a step-by-step approach , building on the fragile trust that does exist rather than risk another failure .
11 Since 1983 the leadership , having read the election defeats as a repudiation of left-wing policies , has been more concerned to reassure the electorate and attract the millions of ‘ missing ’ Labour voters .
12 The 10th , 11th and 12th rounds of the United States-Soviet Strategic Arms Reduction Talks ( START ) , otherwise referred to by the negotiating parties as the Nuclear and Space Talks ( NST ) , were held between July 1988 and December 1989 in Geneva , Switzerland .
13 No public librarian , for instance , can regard each item on the fiction shelves as an equal unit , to be discarded if its rate of use falls below the average rate for the entire stock .
14 It is gratifying to the region that tribute is paid to Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery : ‘ The output of the Sunderland potteries as a whole is without doubt the best documented — one must be grateful to the Sunderland Museum for the research done — and for summarising it so admirably in the publication Sunderland Pottery .
15 In any case the Americans regarded the Nassau agreements as " a monument of contrived ambiguity " .
16 Macmillan saw Polaris as an ideal strategic weapon acquired at a modest cost ; he saw the Nassau negotiations as a diplomatic and political triumph .
17 He graduated from RMA Sandhurst and served in the Grenadier Guards as a regular , and in the TA .
18 Microsoft has used its monopoly power over the PC makers as the main supplier of operating systems to help give Windows an explosive start .
19 Lotus has also decided to use the DEC systems as the development environment for Unix versions of Ami Pro .
20 Were the Khmers Rouges as an organisation incapable of carrying out their threats ?
21 The play functions as a mise en abyme of the novel as a whole .
22 St Johnstone , sponsored by a local whisky company ‘ The Famous Grouse ’ , and dismissed by the Dundee fans as ‘ grousebeaters ’ , looked on in delight as the big estate along the road fell on hard times .
23 She prowled among the desks and glowered at the action boards as if they were a bunch of football hooligans .
24 I would like the Prime Minister to visit Wallsend because he visited the neighbouring Conservative-held constituency and saw the destruction arising from the Meadowell riots as a result of 13 years of Thatcherism .
25 Charlie assumed that he must fall with every pace he took , as he watched the lieutenant treat the German wire as just another hurdle , before running on towards the enemy trenches as if they were the finishing line in some race being held at his public school .
26 You might be surprised at what finds its way into the auction rooms as the old generation of carpenters and joiners die off .
27 This is indicative of how the development of local knowledge is seen by the neighbourhood men as a key measure of their competence and effectiveness , as it was with the section police .
28 One hesitates over publicising these things for fear of sparking imitations , but you 're going to read about it somewhere so it might as well be here — over the past few weeks it has become clear that setting up telescopes to watch people tapping their numbers into automatic teller machines and then scavenging for discarded receipts bearing the account number is a really outdated way of defrauding banks and their customers — these days , you set up a bogus teller machine of your own and record the card details as the customer keys in the number : in the latest instance , a gang in Manchester , Connecticut set up a mobile teller machine in the Buckland Hills Mall Associated Press reports , sabotaged the other machines in the shopping mall to encourage people to use it , and later wheeled the machine away and debriefed it on all its card secrets , using the data to make up counterfeit cards which were subsequently used to withdraw cash from the accounts in the New York area ; moral — stick to machines you know .
29 This is set up in a very similar way to above , but the advantage of using continuous stationery , is that only the sections for the height of the design will need to be joined together , because we can print the width sections as one continuous piece of paper .
30 The bulk of government investment was made to facilitate property purchase , considered by the programme implementers as the most effective way to stabilise the area .
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