Example sentences of "the [noun] [adj] government " in BNC.

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1 From the mid-1970s successive governments attempted to alleviate the crisis by curbing public expenditure .
2 From the mid-1970s local government spending was under severe pressure from the centre as more and more complex rules were developed to keep it under control .
3 Fears have already been expressed that NAB may become a creature of the DES and be used largely to make more acceptable to the institutions harsh government decisions on resources .
4 However , the limitations of the stick forced governments to try and win voluntary cooperation through concessions and " social contracts " .
5 In the case of the Kurds we were referring not to the Gulf War but to the aid Western governments were ‘ forced ’ to send after the War by public pressure .
6 When the coalition National Government was formed in May 1940 , much of this criticism subsided , except for that maintained by Aneurin Began and by Tribune .
7 Since the Second World War , with the exception of the quasi-minority Labour Government of 1974–9 , Britain has experienced single-party government backed by an overall majority in the Commons .
8 The strike was called off on July 15 , when the opposition met Ratsiraka for talks , but their dissatisfaction with the results prompted a resumption of strike action and the announcement that a retired general , Jean Rakotoharison , had been appointed president of the opposition provisional government , with Albert Zafy as prime minister .
9 As the French armies advanced , in the contracting area controlled by the patriots effective government and the war effort of the years 1808–14 lay in the hands of the Juntas .
10 For it is they who have borne the greater part of the burden of the economic Structural Adjustment Programme ( SAP ) started by the Babangida military government in 1986 .
11 Its success can be measured by how it has moved Labour to the right of the Heath Tory government .
12 Pak Hon-yong needed to bolster his own role in the North Korean government and the maintenance of a revolutionary spirit in the south would assist that objective .
13 There was some prospect for change in foreign economic relations , however , and West German businesspeople who visited Pyongyang in September said that the North Korean government was eager to attract foreign investment in high technology and might resume debt interest repayments when the Olympic stadium , costing $5,000 million , had been paid for .
14 Although the North Korean government officially denied it , representatives of the Taiwanese Importers ' and Exporters ' Association claimed that arrangements for a planned visit in April 1990 had already been confirmed by North Korea .
15 He also stated that he had expressed the hope that the Soviet Union 's relationship with communist North Korea would improve and that Gorbachev could assist in encouraging the North Korean government to undertake a programme of political and economic reform .
16 It also insisted that the North Korean government had to accept the full list of names and guarantee the safe return of all who made the trip .
17 In accordance with suggestions already made by the North Korean government Yon proposed an arms control agreement between the two states which would involve a three-phase troop reduction programme based upon cutting the standing army of each side to fewer than 10,000 men within three or four years .
18 It was the first contact between the LDP and the North Korean government , and marked a significant shift in policy by the latter communist regime , which had hitherto rejected overtures from the Japanese government on the grounds that it had diplomatic relations with South Korea .
19 The speed with which it was effected reinforced the widespread belief that the North Korean government was keen to end its international isolation .
20 Roh also appealed to Kaifu to incorporate certain conditions in Japan 's recent progress towards normalizing its relations with North Korea , including the demand that the North Korean government allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities .
21 The Japanese News Agency , Kyodo , on Feb. 5 quoted Radio Pyongyang — the official mouthpiece of the North Korean government — as having said that the ruling Korean Workers ' Party ( KWP ) had crushed a plot by " anti-revolutionary sectarian elements " within the party .
22 They also agreed that it was imperative that the North Korean government open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency .
23 The two main issues thought to have been on the agenda for Li 's visit were South Korea 's intention to apply for separate membership of the UN ( North Korea favoured the two Korean states sharing a single UN seat ) , and the growing pressure for the North Korean government to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , an issue at the heart of the current normalization talks between North Korea and Japan [ see below ] .
24 Recent US intelligence claims , backed by satellite photographs , suggesting that the North Korean government was developing a nuclear bomb , were vigorously denied by the Pyongyang government .
25 The North Korean government accused the South of undertaking aggressive manoeuvres including the preparations of offensive positions .
26 This issue of past treatment was also a factor in Japan 's normalization talks with North Korea which began in 1990 , as was the refusal of the North Korean government to open its nuclear industry to international inspection [ see pp. 38621 ] .
27 On Nov. 25 the North Korean government declared that it would sign an agreement permitting international inspection of its nuclear facilities once the US had began withdrawing its nuclear weapons .
28 The North Korean government on Jan. 7 welcomed the cancellation of Team Spirit .
29 The North Korean government on Jan. 30 signed a nuclear safeguards accord which would allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities .
30 The meeting was the highest-level contact between the two countries since the end of the Korean War , but the USA stressed that it did not represent an upgrading of bilateral relations , but was a one-off event designed to impress upon the North Korean government the importance attached to the nuclear safeguards issue by the USA .
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