Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 Now came the opportunity for long discussions in Tom Poole 's parlour , and no doubt for readings from Osorio and from The Borderers , Wordsworth 's own , equally unsuccessful , verse tragedy .
2 Freezing rod rings made it hard work in the Wotsits Open on the Trent at Long Higgin where Simon Roff ( Tri-Cast Barnsley ) fished the feeder at long range for three chub to 4 lb 4 oz in a winning 9–3–8 .
3 Substantial changes in the provision of long term care for elderly people have taken place over the past decade .
4 It is time to recognise that fact and radically rethink the provision of long term care .
5 A further step in this process has been the acknowledgement of the part that housing has to play in the provision of long stay accommodation for people suffering from dementia .
6 It originates from the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation ( ICFC ) and Finance for Commerce and Industry ( FCI ) set up in 1945 on the findings of the MacMillan Committee that a gap existed in the provision of long term capital funds to small businesses .
7 Watkins wrote of the Cree Indian tracks always being straight , and recent findings in Chaco Canyon , New Mexico , confirm the existence of long straight tracks laid down by the Anasazi .
8 It is indeed on a ridgeway in places , but the existence of long barrows near it is entirely fortuitous .
9 These people had lived here for years ; the places showed all the signs of long habitation .
10 The dangers of long exposure to fluorescent lighting and video screens are only now beginning to be appreciated , and the 50 Hz frequency of domestic electric-ring circuits may not be good news either .
11 It is salutary that in their report on the dangers of long waiting times for outpatient appointments at a urology clinic K German and colleagues say that five of the seven cases of prostatic cancer were detected on rectal examination and one by a raised serum prostate specific antigen concentration .
12 If we can go on to what you think you would need in , in the case of long term sickness , how much do you think you would need per week to get by ?
13 In May he took his protest to the rooftop of Long Lartin prison in Worcesterhsire .
14 It gives him a far freer hand than other techniques in the description of long , curving lines , which are , for example , difficult to execute with a stylus on metal .
15 A full understanding of current unemployment and the role it plays in the working of the labour market requires an explanation of the persistence of long duration unemployment .
16 The breakwaters were built in England to lessen the difficulty of long distance Towage .
17 This process can work out expensive but you can achieve the look of long hair instantly !
18 Now men seem to like the look of long , lean , coltish women and it 's probably inevitable , given our fixation with diet and fitness .
19 In it , he entrusted his ‘ six sons ’ to the protection of his ‘ most celebrated and very dear friend ’ , adding that they were the products of long and laborious labour , but that he was encouraged by the hope that one day they would prove a source of consolation .
20 Gold appears either in its parent rock or in placer deposits in which the products of long periods of erosion are concentrated in the alluvium of existing river systems or buried under later sedimentary or igneous rocks .
21 The interaction of long chain molecules with liquids is of considerable interest from both a practical and theoretical viewpoint .
22 Deep within the brain , in areas like the thalamus and hypothalamus , these problems are exacerbated by the presence of long fibre bundles that pass through interesting regions , carrying the connections of completely unrelated regions .
23 She was the organist of a village church , and the freedom from long hours in a shop , or former office work , had given her the opportunity of practising more on her dearly loved organ .
24 Our eyes are built to cope with a narrow band of electromagnetic frequencies ( the ones we call light ) , somewhere in the middle of the spectrum from long radio waves at one end to short X-rays at the other .
25 Well , she thought , as he left the cabin in long hurried strides , that really told you , my girl .
26 The necessity for long entries in the constable 's pocket book has been eliminated .
27 We firmly believe the key to long term success lies in engaging as many ‘ actors ’ as possible in the process of habitat and species protection and enhancement , rather than in requiring one authority to perform a clinical , curatorial role .
28 Moreover , the application of the barostat to long term recordings of colonic motility , may prove useful to assess other pathopysiological aspects of functional colonic disorders .
29 BELOW The entrance to Long Kin East Cave
30 A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation , showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion ; B. sheep bone from stream ( pH 5.4 ) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water , with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting ; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids , destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone ; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor ( pH 3.5 ) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone .
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