Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 However it may be prudent in such a case to offer the defence expert the facility to administer questions in writing to which the plaintiff can respond if they so choose .
2 The existing rebate system is geared to the needs of the most vulnerable in society , but for those at the income margin the full impact of the tax charges are brought to bear at relatively low levels of income .
3 On the majority view the defendant was actually left free to work for a subsidiary of GUS which was not involved in the mail order business in the United Kingdom even though that would have been in clear breach of the restriction .
4 After the first landing and during the taxi back to the take-off point the thief would be dropped off .
5 Though Cranmer drew from many sources , it was his own touch which gave the Prayer Book the charm , perfection of form and expression which were to endow the Church of England for centuries with unity , strength and a way to the hearts of men .
6 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
7 We know much more than anyone could possibly want to know about Bill and Hillary 's sex life er than we do er about prospects for economic recovery and this has happened to successive American presidents and it happens in part because in the U S the president and his family , and it has been a his so far , the president and his family take the part , not only the part played in England by the prime minister , but also the part played by the monarchy .
8 In the U S the Dow Jones opened sharply lower and dealers marking down stop , stocks on the back of widening def , the widening deficit figure .
9 In the U K the improvement plans we 've been working on for the last two years have been very successfully implemented but they 've been overtaken by the U K recession .
10 Quite what the House when he pointed out that in the U K the turd is tiding remains
11 Haiti 's military rulers have thumbed their noses at the U S. The murders of pro-Aristide politicians , a deliberate attempt to sabotage the return to democracy .
12 In this analysis er , if you set aside the effect of our sale of Elsivir er , the variance was forty nine million seventy percent of which relates to the U K. The drop in profits from our newspapers was the biggest and probably the most widely expected a substantial proportion of their costs are fixed and , er , they therefore are particularly sensitive to , er changes in volume .
13 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
14 I also wondered — I was only seven — if the fire had anything to do with Alf Norris and I looking into the boiler room the day before !
15 Is the dive computer the result of a fiendish plot by manufacturers to relieve the diver of hard earned cash ?
16 The I think the erm the main point that I 'd like to make is that erm the structure as it 's posed erm is for the same number of staff erm , however , the three , what were supervisory stroke managerial posts erm have changed , we feel , as a result of the merger and therefore , and there are three er little posts mainly , a head of , people called a head of and a head of the support , support a support services manager and a support services officer and erm the appendix details the main er , functions in each post , er those posts .
17 ( 2 ) In appointing members of the Funding Council the Secretary of State — ( a ) shall have regard to the desirability of including persons who appear to him to have experience of , and to have shown capacity in , the provision of further education ( within the meaning of section 1(5) ( b ) of the 1980 Act ) or to have held , and to have shown capacity in , any position carrying responsibility for the provision of such further education and , in appointing such persons , he shall have regard to the desirability of their being currently engaged in the provision of such further education or in carrying responsibility for such provision ; and ( b ) shall have regard to the desirability of including persons who appear to him to have experience of , and to have shown capacity in , industrial , commercial or financial matters or the practice of any profession .
18 On the base leg the captain took control of the aircraft and retarded the throttles .
19 The committee urged a further show of sympathy with the Tiananmen demonstrators the next day .
20 ‘ I saw Broom'ead goin' in the Galloway yard the ovver day , ’ she told the gathering .
21 Complaints being again on the trek south the Gulf of Aqaba ( the " Red Sea " here ) to clear Edom 's territory .
22 In the bottom-up approach the paragraphs are first collected , and the semantic net is built as the paragraphs are indexed .
23 The Secondary School Education/Library Inservice Panel The Inservice Planning Group The Inservice Subcommittee The Inservice Advisory Panel The Secondary School Education Learning Project Inservice Panel .
24 However you do have to remember that with the LM system the frequency of repetition and the quantity of medicine that the patient takes is significant .
25 ( a ) The individual solicitor Practising Certificates By s1 of the Solicitors Act the essential qualifications for practice as a solicitor are admission as a solicitor , enrolment and the possession of a current practising certificate .
26 When we finally reached the top of the Bouton Straits the rain had ceased as completely as the wind and it was only the current which carried us eastwards into the luminous open sea .
27 In the accounts system the cash and discount received from credit card sales would be debited in the cash book and credited to the sales account .
28 Depending on the efficiency of the staff of the accounts department the cost accounts for the previous month should be available to management within a maximum period of a further seven days , making a total maximum delay of 21 days .
29 Once the invoice has been checked and approved and returned to the accounts department the original invoice will be processed through the financial accounts and the copy invoice through the cost accounts .
30 Mr Patten is suffering from viral gastro-enteritis , and has been admitted to the King Edward the Seventh Hospital in London for tests .
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