Example sentences of "the [noun] if [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Crown ought of course to offer the statement to the defence if the statement is materially at variance with the maker 's evidence in court , but in this regard the trial judge has to rely on the Crown 's discretion and propriety .
2 Under the current rules of evidence , sensitive police information about intelligence gathering and informants has to be disclosed to the defence if the judge orders it .
3 The evidence is that you stand as good a chance of getting the choice of currency right as the experts if the return from the managed funds is anything to go by .
4 The Guild of Help offered to pay the remainder if the Board would contribute £4 , but the looming presence of the Railway Assessment Authority may have persuaded the guardians to offer only half the sum needed , i.e. £3 .
5 That , however , is not much use to the retailer if the boy has chosen instead to sue the retailer for breach of contract .
6 It is not ground for objection that the information sought will be inadmissible at the trial if the information sought appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence .
7 UNESCO can take away the award if the standard of care drops .
8 Corden said he would consider going back on to the board if a new chairman extended an invitation .
9 This role can best be fulfilled by the board if the majority of directors are independent of the executive over whom they exercise a supervisory , checking function .
10 The sender pays the postage if the recipient sends them back .
11 The crystals , thus formed , have a hollow pyramid shape , because of the requirement that the chain folding must involve a staggering of the chains if the most efficient packing is to be achieved .
12 The onus thus falls very heavily on the doctor , who may in fact have to persuade the parents to allow the child to live ; this would be the case if a life-saving operation is involved .
13 It was thought that Green took his large prepared copper plates out into the landscape and worked on them in front of the actual view , but when one looks at a print of a recognisable location the image is not reversed as would have been the case if a direct drawing onto the plate had been made from nature .
14 This would not be the case if a gas cell were used , as the doppler broadening would cause the peaks to merge together .
15 In other words , they are ‘ better designed ’ not simply by chance ( which would be the case if a large single-step mutation occurred ) , but by the accumulation of myriads of single-step mutations aided , over long periods of time , by the natural weeding-out process of those species less successfully adapted for long-term survival .
16 When such a plan has been lodged it will only be necessary for a buyer to search against the plot he is buying on the appropriate form for a search of part ( Form 94B ) , indicating thereon the plot or flat number " as shown on the estate development plan lodged in the Registry on the " — no plan being then necessary as would be the case if no estate plan had been lodged .
17 When a bequest fails through the death of the person for whom it was intended , and does not pass under a residuary bequest , as must necessarily be the case if the bequest which falls is itself residuary , the property will be dealt with as upon an intestacy .
18 If adopted next year , the county programme will start nine days later than would be the case if the present structure remains .
19 This will certainly be the case if the people concerned at the local level take this view , failing to grasp the strategic role that they have always claimed but often failed to deliver convincingly because of time spent on day-to-day operational matters .
20 Where a dominant influence exists over a public company , the dominant undertaking will be liable for any damage suffered by the public company and , more radically , for any debts incurred by the public company as a result of its acting at the direction of the dominant undertaking , although this will seemingly not be the case if the dominant undertaking 's influence is in fact exercised in the best interests of the public company .
21 This will certainly be the case if the constraints of VMP define a bounded feasible region .
22 Nuclear Electric spokesman , Len Green , said the company 's decision to use levy money to help with the cost of constructing Sizewell B was in the best interests of the consumer and this might be the case if the C station went ahead .
23 This would only be the case if the latter entitled the individual to look to the government for the provision of certain welfare benefits .
24 Clearly this would only be the case if the company was perceived as an entity distinct from its shareholders so that it followed that the company and not the shareholders would be liable for any debts .
25 Indeed , capital movements may offset the current account deficit if speculators think that the exchange rate will recover to its former level in the near future , as could be the case if the current account deficit is thought to be temporary .
26 Duhm found the parallelism here " rather feeble " which is indeed the case if the ideal is synonymity , but not at all the case if other relationships between the lines of a couplet can exist .
27 ( See also Sunley ( 1990 ) , and note that Griffin does not accept the above interpretation , but rather prefers one which sees the Nottinghamshire miners as determined to avoid splits within the union , which would have been the case if the rule-book , specifically Rule 43 — p. 107 — had been adhered to in 1984 . )
28 It is certainly true that the Cournot and Stackelberg equilibria in general involve smaller welfare losses , and lower levels of excess profit , than would be the case if the firms acted as a joint profit-maximizing monopoly or cartel but , none the less , contingent on market parameters , allocative inefficiency could still be quite large .
29 It was much harder to imagine Pascoe taking gloves and a knife with him when he went to MacQuillan 's office and creeping up behind him , and there was no evidence of a struggle between the dead man and his attacker which would have been the case if the killer had not approached from behind .
30 Inverting , we have , assuming that B is a non-singular matrix , which will be the case if the relations between are correctly chosen .
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