Example sentences of "the [noun] is that " in BNC.

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1 The defence is that the defendant took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid committing the offence , section 39 .
2 The effect of the defence is that the plaintiff consents to exempt the defendant from a duty of care which would otherwise have been owed .
3 Tell that story to one of America 's many grumblers about Japanese investment and the response is that Mr Dukakis would never have made that mistake at a Japanese firm : he would have been able to tell the difference .
4 The response is that since the words relate to the past , later debts are not included .
5 The response is that in a rapidly growing market ( say 30 per cent growth per annum ) the only way to increase market share is to go for massive expansion of capacity ( say 50 per cent per annum ) .
6 The response is that he 's very upset and concerned about the women .
7 In the case of a bridal couple the ideology is that during the initiatory phase of their marriage the groom and his bride are playing out the roles of a god and a goddess ; when they resume their life as ordinary mortals their dangerous divinity must be removed . )
8 Undeniably their faith is genuine , but the weakness is that their faith is developed at the expense of their understanding .
9 The great ‘ secret ’ of the rituals is that the Piaroa are cannibals ; for the meat they eat each day is human in its origin .
10 The final condemnation of the change is that no-one consulted formally these top men in the sport before passing the show-stopping law and , furthermore , that the lawmakers left so much still to be ironed out .
11 The essence of the change is that the intermediating function between social and economic forces is no longer one that a government can renounce or let go by default .
12 Does my hon. Friend accept that the change is that there is now a proposal to cut a road through the wood whereas 40 years ago there was not ?
13 The advantage of own brands for the retailer is that they can only be purchased from that particular company .
14 But what persuades me that we have not heard the last of Havel the writer is that he combines a total commitment to social freedom and individual responsibility with an extraordinary ironic detachment .
15 The problem in the Highlands is that the population has radically decreased and hence schools are no longer as viable as they once were .
16 Mr Heslop said : ‘ The evidence of the majority of the board is that they no longer have any confidence in his ability to discharge his function .
17 In the limiting case where ( i.e. , a 100 per cent tax on bequests ) , the inequality is that due to the variation in the income of the current generation ( and var[Β] ) , moderated by saving ( if ) .
18 It would seem to follow from this analysis that the most appropriate content to ascribe to the duty to act in the interests of the shareholders is that the directors should attempt to maximise the present value of the company .
19 There is no claim to representativeness , and the essence of the technique is that each subject studied , whether it be an individual , a group , an event , or an institution , is treated as a unit on its own .
20 The basic problem with this aspect of the technique is that the movement occurs very quickly , so you could be excused for being unsure quite what has happened .
21 The major limitation of the measure is that it is theoretically open-ended — it is not possible to say that there will be no further citations to a particular thesis in the future .
22 Another curious attribute of the powder is that when cooked out it helps to extract other flavours while losing its own .
23 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
24 A salient characteristic of the internal structure of' the elite is that it is rational , in the sense that it is structured so as to achieve in a purposeful and conscious manner the objectives of the elite as a whole .
25 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
26 All three party leaders have their admirers and the feeling on the ranks is that it will be a hung Parliament .
27 A bizarre aspect of the case is that Mr Devaty 's ‘ crimes ’ include the apparently punishable offence of sending the authorities papers about their human rights abuses .
28 What is clearly the case is that there is no simple , magic theory to explain what advertising does , and how it does it .
29 The interesting feature of the case is that the corporation exacted the payments under a mistake of fact — they did not know that the limestone was to be burnt into lime , while the plaintiff made the payments under a mistake of law — he did not know of the exemption .
30 A feature of the case is that the trial judge held the bank liable to the wife in damages for its failure to explain the effect of the charge to her .
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