Example sentences of "the [noun] might also " in BNC.

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1 The quality of the labour supply in the cities might also be another important factor for high unemployment .
2 De Gaulle was refusing military co-operation within NATO unless the Anglo-American nuclear club was widened into a tri-partite relationship ; and Washington feared that the Germans might also start pressing for a finger on the nuclear trigger .
3 The reasons for the decision might also be held to be part of the record .
4 And finally , the modifications of the bones of the prey.animals might also be predator-specific .
5 The college might also install a CD Rom system to enable information , including encyclopaedias and atlases , to be stored on a compact disc .
6 In conjunction with a state of emergency the President might also impose temporary direct presidential rule over a union republic .
7 The fence might also have been symbolic .
8 He said that given the expressed interest of all political parties in attracting more women candidates , the research might also inform party policy and practice in this area .
9 The accord might also act as a floor to wages during the recession .
10 The umpires might also have noticed something at some point along the line !
11 It even became possible to consider that the horse might also have a mind !
12 Improper use of the highway might also constitute a nuisance leading either to criminal charges , a civil action of damages or an injunction prohibiting the continuation of the improper use .
13 This mosaic is the more imposing piece of work , but the fragment might also have been the central display of a comparable arrangement .
14 The editor might also have noted the colloquial sense of roaming around which the verb shatatsya carries , for this may perhaps have encouraged the switch from Shaposhnikov to Shatov as the novel began to define itself .
15 … I further agree … that the rectification might also be made under clauses ( a ) and ( g ) of subsection ( 1 ) .
16 Stones would enclose the fire , and the meat might also be cached under stones .
17 The Cabinet might also have looked different had the Tory majority been smaller .
18 But further afield , golfers who watched Nick Faldo 's triumph in the Desert Classic in Dubai at the start of the month might also have noticed the course 's futuristic clubhouse .
19 The Friends might also be willing to run our Garden Seat Donation Scheme .
20 The list might also include solidarity the capacity of member of one segment of society to evoke support from others who identify him as like themselves because of similarities in occupation .
21 The pair might also be bad parents and continually eat the eggs .
22 The nurse might also recognise some potential problems — not all possible potential problems but those which are relevant .
23 The reader might also care to note a paper by Milton on the possible use of two radiometers to correct for changes in irradiation .
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