Example sentences of "the [noun] ask for " in BNC.

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1 The defence asked for reporting restriction to be lifted .
2 The defence asked for reporting restriction to be lifted .
3 Luckily the majority ask for information on just one or two species .
4 Suppose that instead of paying Lockheed , Boeing and General Dynamics $65 billion to build 648 of the new fighters , and thus partly freezing the technology for 20 years , the Pentagon asked for just 72 operational aircraft , plus spares and trainers , and then kept the production line ticking over .
5 He answered an advertisement in The Scotsman asking for ex-Black Watch volunteers to pose for a sculptor .
6 In another area he did actually get a market research firm 's fieldworkers to go round all the houses asking for young men and women in the age group , and while this appeared to give a reasonably accurate sample frame it was also very expensive .
7 The clerk behind the hatch asked for their empties before she 'd hand over the new bottles but they had n't got them .
8 The decision asks for advice from the Arbitration Commission and from Mr. Badinter .
9 Some salespeople believe that an effective presentation should lead the buyer to ask for the product without the salesperson needing to close the sale himself .
10 If he fixed a price with the buyer , and the buyer asked for Modigliani 's address , the painter was likely to give away his work at a lower price or offer it as a present if the purchaser was shrewd enough to take him out for a meal and a few drinks .
11 The buyer asked for a copy of the restrictions ; they were not forthcoming , the seller having no copy .
12 On the other hand , if the buyer asks for an article by its trade or brand name and does so in such a way as to exclude any discussion of its suitability , then he is not relying on the seller 's skill or judgment , Baldry v. Marshall ( 1924 C.A. ) .
13 ( 2 ) If you know who they are , write to the conveyancers for the seller or buyer , as the case may be , confirming that you are acting for your client , and if your client is the buyer asking for the draft contract documentation , or if you act for the seller , either sending or promising to send the draft agreement for sale .
14 In July 1947 , the Ministry asked for a statement concerning the hospital premises and funds .
15 put the contrary view in the form of a dilemma when he said : ‘ Either they were performing this public duty in giving the protection asked for , in which case I think they can not charge , or , which no one suggests , they were at the request of an individual doing something which it was not their duty to do , in which case it seems to me both public policy and section 10 of the County Police Act 1839 , make the contract illegal and void . ’
16 The other one erm is within the university itself because we do have a support organisation here for teaching within the university , and it is possible for groups of teachers in any part of the university to ask for some help and support in looking at one of the courses they 're involved in teaching .
17 But the ghost asks for freedom .
18 Erm , the composite asks for erm , this document to be pushed with all employers .
19 The twenty-nine year old victim was standing at a bus stop on Haddington Road when a car pulled up and the driver asked for directions .
20 The public 's response was so overwhelming that the procession of cars , which each carried two team members , was halted several times as fans surged around the cars asking for autographs , shaking hands and giving the occasional kiss .
21 The President asked for Dec 1 .
22 Ron has also contacted the contractor asking for £600 compensation .
23 The teacher as the Mayor asks for their help .
24 He told a key meeting in Dunkirk at the end of August : ‘ You must find the nerve to ask for a better treaty ; one that hands less power to Brussels , controls bureaucracy more stringently and leaves France her autonomy in foreign and monetary policy . ’
25 The developer asked for a set of QA listings to assess for himself if the person assigned to QA would approve the package .
26 The Queen asked for a three-month cooling off period .
27 From prison Cranmer wrote to the Queen asking for her mercy and pardon for his heinous folly in following the Will of Edward VI .
28 The US Federal Trade Commission is reviewing a new staff report on the anti-trust allegations against Microsoft Corp , but a decision on the matter probably is still weeks away , lawyers familiar with the case told the Wall Street Journal : with a two-to-two vote in February , the commission did n't accept staff recommendations to seek an injunction preventing the company from using its market power to engage in allegedly unfair competitive practices ; after the tied vote , the commissioners asked for more information in an effort to resolve the deadlock ; the status report , which was delivered to commissioners last week , provides additional support for the staff 's call for action .
29 To support his claim the Council asked for an ‘ amicable grant ’ — an unparliamentary levy of one-sixth on the income of the laity and one-third on the income of the clergy .
30 This year , for instance , the council asked for permission to spend £25m on tackling the town 's housing problems but it has been allocated only £3.8m one third of which is earmarked for improvement grants to private homes and the rest to ongoing council schemes .
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