Example sentences of "the [noun] that [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , those experiments in which the occurrence of an overt component of the OR has been monitored have demonstrated that the response that has been habituated during pre-exposure tends to reappear when the CS-US pairings are begun .
2 Dr Marsh said : ‘ There has been no radical change to our financial situation since the Annual General Meeting in August , apart from the income that has been generated through the gates .
3 Mansfield Park , for example , is no less a great house because it has recently arrived , or because the income that supports it is drawn from the West Indies and not from its own land .
4 The dominant tone is of jubilation , not the hysteria that makes me swoon in Prince .
5 Radon comes from the uranium that occurs naturally in the ground .
6 He buried it in the back garden , near the fence , overlooking the park that overlooks the city of which his father was so proud .
7 There are different views of the scale of the opportunity that presents .
8 The way to secure future prosperity is by embracing change not resisting it and as my honourable friend er indicates , by using our skills to best effect and competitively in a global market place were we to embrace the policies of members opposite in the European community we would shut the job , the door to the jobs which will come from that inward investment because we have opted out of the social chapter we do indeed have the opportunity that comes from being , if I may qui may quote er President Delors a pa a paradise for inward investment .
9 The player , who scored last weekend on his comeback against Partick Thistle , might dwell on the advancement that has recently been made by someone like Eoin Jess , however , and reason that he would be well advised to channel all his energies towards regaining the kind of status that had him as part of Scotland 's European championship squad eight months ago .
10 There 's a cupboard there that 's been ripped open , I mean is that just part of the vandalism that goes on ?
11 Dwell for a few moments on these words of Paul , and when you have a moment of quiet use the prayer that follows , either in your own words or as it stands , as a way of bringing to God your thoughts and feelings both on what you have discovered through these pages , and any particular concerns you may have at this present moment .
12 His willingness to accept violation and destruction at our hands out of love for us the loving obedience to his Father is the darkness of the aboriginal prayer , the prayer that makes sense of any other prayer , the mystery of hope at the heart of hopelessness that Dr Spufford refers to in the death of Robert Aske .
13 According to Safa , ‘ the ideology that equates female confinement within the home to higher class status has begun to influence working-class women at the same time that its influence has begun to wane among women of the elite ’ .
14 This means that for every 100 units of energy in the coal which heats the boiler that makes the steam that drives the turbo generator only 30 units of energy in the form of electricity are produced .
15 That 's one of the Acts that works against children in need .
16 In recent years it has been the guitar that has been changing most rapidly .
17 P C would have been the first man into the flat and he was carrying the shield that has been mentioned earlier .
18 In despair , I scrambled all the way down to the gully that falls directly from the col and tried to climb it quickly before the sun got up .
19 It is what leads her to animate the inanimate in her descriptive passages , and it is the child-in-the-adult that moves us in her most memorable characters ( often male ) : Denisov , Kissov , Gruishunya , Peters .
20 Nevertheless , there has been some crossover of knowledge between these two camps , with each benefiting from the fertilization that has followed .
21 The principal drawback with ATNs is the complexity that arises when a system becomes large .
22 Occasionally , it 's the image broadcast first from the cover of the NME that defines a band , that sticks with them forever .
23 It 's something off , it 's just the attachment that goes from ma , my mum 's Walkman and she nicked off with it when it was at when we were at her house and if I lo , if I keep it anywhere else I 'll lose it so I 've clipped it on to there so I know where it is .
24 And the law , it is suggested , should value the attachment that comes from working on land :
25 The link that binds all these individuals together into one co-ordinated super-organism is a highly effective system of communication .
26 In addition to single blooms , there are several semi-double and double kinds that open wide and full with a ‘ mop ’ of smaller curled petals at the centre , sometimes shading to a deeper colour at the base that suggests bi-colour , a different and almost foreign appearance .
27 By ‘ working class ’ he means the variety that keeps a tidy front garden and teaches its children impeccable manners , not the type with no curtains and eight , moulting dogs .
28 Marx 's and Engels 's first concern with anthropological material was therefore to show the variety that exists in the nature of social relations , and the historical peculiarity of a society where one group of people treat others only in respect of the labour they provide , labour which then can be bought and sold as though it was any other useful article .
29 Peter must not talk about erm the provision that has been made .
30 The starting point is from a bridge opposite the Torridon Hotel on the A896 , and a path takes you through a delightful forest , past an incredible waterfall , and up to the ridge that runs south towards the summit .
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