Example sentences of "by many [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
2 Castle has now decided that it is more prudent , and in line with the practice followed by many companies in the sector , to write off such costs at the point of first release of a new title .
3 The second set of problems concerned the high costs of absenteeism , poor timekeeping and labour turnover experienced by many companies in both manufacturing and office contexts .
4 The ‘ Key Supplier ’ programmes operated by many companies in the electronics field , particularly in the United States , are an excellent example of this philosophy in action .
5 IN TIMES of dwindling apprentice training , one Courtaulds factory has kept the flag flying with a scheme admired by many companies in the United States .
6 His basic theology , his belief in the verbal inspiration and authority of the Bible , the nature of Christ as perfect God and man , His death on the cross to pay the penalty for sin , God 's gracious gift of faith to His elect , man 's responsibility to repent and believe the Gospel , and so on , are all considered as ‘ outmoded ’ by many leaders in the modern church .
7 Although Self was accused by the headquarters engineers of bureaucratic interference , his own doubts about the policies being pursued by the chief engineer 's department crystallized into a conviction that they were guilty of unnecessarily over-centralised procedures , a view shared by many engineers in the divisions , though not by Hacking .
8 Plans to ease the student housing crisis which is being faced by many students in Oxford , are being discussed by the residents of Headington this evening .
9 This record is made by many friends in recognition of his sacrifice .
10 A move back to respectable status through marriage was still possible ; it was often the route taken by many women in mid-career .
11 We noted above the MCS findings of self-imposed curfew by many women in Merseyside .
12 The advertisement was particularly ironic , inasmuch as in the nineteenth century the public library movement was undoubtedly supported by many reformers in the expectation that libraries would provide a healthy alternative to drunkenness among the working class .
13 Does he recognise that it is one of the commercial miracles of Northern Ireland and is now envied by many areas in the United Kingdom ?
14 Although Sir Leon 's approach will be welcomed by the nationalist-minded rightwing in the Federal Republic , it is unlikely to be endorsed by many ministers in the present Bonn coalition nor by opposition parties .
15 It is also notable that where a chairman or chief executive has been brought in from outside to those organisations , this may be followed by many changes in senior management and so , from the headhunters ' point of view , putting a chief executive into an older-style organisation is usually an opportunity for them to work with the newly appointed chief executive to build the new senior management team .
16 These could result from the economic , social and political problems , " including ethnic rivalries and territorial disputes , which are faced by many countries in central and eastern Europe " .
17 No New Zealand player has made an impression on this tour comparable with the impact made by many individuals in 1980 .
18 IT was the morning after the night before in Fiji and dark glasses were being donned by many participants in the weekend 's sevens tournament .
19 The unchanging , unknowable , eternal wellspring of that energy has been called by many names in many civilisations : Brahman , Allah , God , The Absolute , to name a few .
20 The second statement sums up the News International ban precisely , and the following sentence reflects the dilemma that was faced by many librarians in the dispute ; though not by all , because for many librarians who supported the ban there was no dilemma .
21 SIR , — Herbal medicines are being used by many patients in India and Europe .
22 However , complex these ideas may have been in their original conception , they were taken over by many educationalists in a simplified , stereotypic form , typified by the supposed dichotomy between ‘ elaborated ’ and ‘ restricted ’ codes .
23 There is still a great reluctance by many manufacturers in entering the export field .
24 The pro-life chain was backed by many supporters in Altrincham , Wythenshawe , Hale and other Shrewsbury parishes .
25 The quantity and variety of reading and writing , the mathematical ideas and vocabulary , the competence shown by many children in instrumental music , physical education , art and light crafts would have amazed my first class of children , and their teachers too .
26 The acceptance of the New Deal by many Republicans in the United States and the adoption of the social market approach and formal abandonment of Marxism by West Germany 's Social Democrats are others .
27 This feeling of the sound of the sea which is like the sound when a sea shell is placed to the ear , is experienced by many people in meditation .
28 The ghost of Mr Cubbage walks the coaches of many trains searching for his beloved Coleen ; he has been seen often by many people in the district , he also walks the railway tracks near the spot on which he was killed , a sobbing , totally heartbroken figure .
29 The position is complicated by two further factors : the statutory responsibilities placed directly upon certain officers , and the professional qualifications held by many people in local government service .
30 Many er areas of our church are in areas where the education , educational standards are not as high in other areas , and a lot of the leaflets that we bring out are quite er unable to be understood by many people in these areas .
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